Page 68 of Unexpected Hero

One of his eyebrows arches to a point. “I have before, but that was just for training. If someone is going to be a rope top, they should know how it feels to receive.”

“That makes sense. Does it lead to sex?”

“Not with men. Not for me, at least.”

“What about with women? Does it lead to sex?”

“It can, depending on the people involved.”

“Have you... um... have you had sex with someone you’ve tied up?”


“While they were tied up?”


I swallow so loudly the sound carries around the confined space. Need to adjust the topic before I orgasm at the mere thought of all this.

Related: would that count as a man giving me an orgasm?

“What’s the job opportunity for me? Is it related to the tying up thing?”



Why is that disappointing? It shouldn’t be. Yet here we are.

“Let’s get out of the car now, Lettie.”


“If we stay in here, I can’t promise I won’t kiss you again. And I really can’t do that.”

“You mean you really can’t, or you really won’t?”

He flashes a panty-obliterating grin. “What are you? The semantics police?”

Casting what I hope is a heated gaze at him, I order, “Up against the wall, mister.”

“Touché.” He tips his head toward the beach. “Come on. Have dinner with me.”


This man talked me down from my take me home tantrum.

Maybe he can handle me and all my emotions.

And the idea of him handling me, coupled with the images of him tying me up, cause another deluge of arousal. My panties are so wet it’s borderline uncomfortable.

“Thank you,” he says as he presses a few strands of my hair behind my ear. His hand lingers on my cheek before it falls away.

“For what?”

“For not insisting I take you home and for giving me a chance to explain. I really didn’t mean to hurt, confuse, or upset you.”

“I believe you. Although, I don’t understand why we can’t explore this thing between us since I don’t work there yet. But it seems you have your reasons. And I’ll respect your boundaries.”