“Stella, I know you think I’m insane for up and movin’ to a town I only visited once. And now you think I’m certifiable to entertain James’s BDSM-related proposition considering my limited experience and that I just met him. And maybe I am crazy. But what if fate led me here for a reason? I’ll never know what path to take if I’m afraid to go for a stroll.”
Stella’s silent for a bit, likely thinking of how she’s going to burst my bubble. Probably removing her nose ring to jab my hope balloon with the pointy tip.
“I get it. And no, you’re not crazy. You’re brave.”
She didn’t pop it.
Tears pool in my eyes. “Thanks for saying that. Even if I don’t feel it most of the time.”
“Well, have fun tonight. No rush decisions. Remember, not everyone is what they seem. Trust should be earned.”
“I will be cautious, and I won’t commit to anything tonight. I promise.”
“Okay, baby. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
She sighs heavily, then does a mood about-face. “Is your e-reader charged?”
My lips quirk at both corners. “Yes. Why?”
“Per your text request, I’m sending you books. For research.”
“Like how-to manuals?”
“Fuck no. It’s smut. But none of that old-fashioned shit you like. This is modern smut.”
“And these books will teach me about BDSM?”
Honestly, I was expecting websites and reputable sources, not fiction.
“No. I’ll text you some links after I’ve vetted them first. Those will teach you about kink.”
“Then what are the books for?”
“I’m hoping to scare you away from this terrible idea.”
“I read Fifty Shades, you know. That was my first dirty book.”
“Dirty book. Gah. I hate that fucking term. Like it’s covered in mud because cock, balls, and vaginas are included. Don’t be so judgmental. You sound like your bitchy mama.”
“Fair point. I shall no longer call them dirty books.”
“And read a review once in a while, will ya? Everyone knows that Fifty Shades was not a fact-based look at BDSM.”
“And what you’re sending me will be fact-based?”
“More so than what you’ve already read. But consider my smut a building block. We’re laying the foundation here. There’s a method to my madness.”
With a hint of smugness, I say, “And that’s why I asked you and only you about this.”
“Okay, I have some work to do to get you indoctrinated. Just remember to make James earn your trust. I know you’re thinking he’s your Christian Grey, but he’s more likely to be your Zade Meadows.”
Who the hell is that?
“Should I Google that name?”
“Oh fuck no. You’re nowhere near ready for Daddy Zade. By the end of the week, I’ll have you ready for Emerson Grant, and that’s only if you’re still interested in learning more after your date slash indecent proposal tonight.”