Page 36 of Unexpected Hero

As she passes it to me, she answers my earlier question. “I called my manager, and he said we’re not hiring. Sorry.”

“I appreciate you checking.”

“Wish her luck from me.”

I offer a nod and return to Lettie. She gathers her purse and finishes her coffee. I pull the gift card from my back pocket that I purchased earlier.

“Here, I got this for you. Just in case the money runs out before I see you again.”

“James.” The fake name drips from her mouth like honey, complete with a hint of Georgia twang.

I’d love to hear her say my real name.

Guess that’s not in the cards for us.

She doesn’t make a move to take the gift card, so I slip it into her purse’s outer pocket as I attempt to walk by.

She grabs me by the forearm, halting me in my tracks. “Wait. Stop.”

My heart accelerates, beating more forcefully as I’m sucked deeper into her orbit.

If I’m but a particle swirling aimlessly in the darkness of space, then she’s the sun.

“Why are you doing this for me?”

Her eyes sparkle with more than the reflection of the muted lighting of the coffee shop. The tears threaten to spill down her cheeks.

How the fuck can I answer that without perjuring myself further?

“You need help right now with food and money, and that’s something I’m in a position to provide.”

“But you don’t even know me.”

“I know enough. You’re a good person. You already told me your father died recently, so I’m sure you’re going through some stuff. It’s no big deal to help you out.”

“But it is a big deal.”

Her tears overflow, but she wipes them away before submissively dropping her gaze to the floor.

Unable to stop myself, I lift her chin with one finger, letting it linger a second or two longer than needed. “I know it can be scary to be in a new place on your own. Let me help you.”

“I don’t know when I’ll be able to pay you back. All my career prospects have shriveled up.”

“No payback needed.”

I don’t know how long we stand in silence, but I know my world shifts a few inches.

It’s going to be hard to let her go.

And she’s not even mine.

How could she ever be?

She’s a stunning work of art. And I’m anything but that.

My body is strong and fit from the extra time I put in at the gym. But I’m not striking like her. Everything about her is flawless.

We’re not a match.