Shep’s at the back of the property, scanning for heat signatures on the other side of the structure.
After I confirm no tangos inside the bedroom and the interior door is closed, I’m set for infil. Mia diverts Aaron from checking the perimeter to watch my six as I enter. Good call.
With a firm grip on the window ledge, I pull myself up and slip inside in near silence. Years of practice and muscle memory take control. Despite being stuck in the office for years, my body remembers how to sneak up on the enemy without a sound.
My boots crest the windowsill, and I slide down to the floor.
From behind me, Aaron whispers, “T, should I follow?”
“Hold,” I respond, my voice barely audible. If I’m about to hit trouble, I don’t necessarily need to endanger him.
None of the girls in the room move. They’re either playing possum or worse.
“Okay. I’m in. Any movement from the kitchen, Shep?”
“Negative,” he responds.
Bravo team arrived while I was infilling, and they’re moving into position on the other side of the house. Kri remains in the vehicle as our lookout.
With the tangos unaware of my presence, I rise from my crouched position by the window and survey the room, my eyes darting from woman to woman.
Or more aptly, girl to girl.
Fucking hell. They’re so young.
None of them are Lettie.
My insides churn. Rage, desperation, and panic threaten to shake my composure. What if she’s not here?
No. That’s not happening. The residence has more rooms, and our scans showed more girls.
We’ll find her.
She’s here. She has to be.
Returning my focus to the unconscious females, I attempt to wake them with gentle shoulder nudges and hushed words. Bruises and cuts mar their skin. Most of them are barely dressed.
I breathe through my nose to bypass the bitter taste in my mouth.
I’ve seen similar horrific conditions before. The enemies we eliminated in combat were often surrounded by abducted women they used for whatever twisted reasons. It never sickened my stomach to this degree, though.
“No sign of Lettie,” I inform my team. “I’ve got pulses on the three girls. They’re alive. One is groggy but waking. The other two are out cold.”
Mia responds, “Can you lift them? Pass them to Aaron out the window?”
The fuck?
Primary target comes first. Always.
“Not yet. We get Lettie first,” I grit out through a clenched jaw.
Mia’s suggestion processes a second later. While Lettie is our primary mission, all the females deserve rescue.
Lettie would want us to save them.
I can’t do that on my own. Not without killing every fucker I see — which I’m not entirely opposed to. But since we don’t have Redleg’s backing on this op, it’s unwise. Lettie will need me when we leave here tonight. I can’t be there for her if I’m in jail.
So I wait for the team.