Soon. Lemme get this all out. Give me a freaking minute. K? I need to tell you why I’m pissed at you 1st. So far I only told you my problems. But I’m mad at u. You need to know why before I C U again. Or I was mad. I’m not sure now. Just give me a minute to think.
Dont rush me
Dominant James
Okay, sugar bear. Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.
The creepy guy tries to talk to me, but I turn away from him. Much more pointedly this time.
Why won’t he just leave me the fuck alone so I can tell my boyfriend why I was mad at him and then tell him why I’m not anymore? Is it an unwritten rule of the universe that a woman alone at a bar must be in want of a creepy guy to hound her?
Fuck that rule. And fuck this guy.
Irritated, I attempt to take another drink, disappointed to find it empty. I remove the straw, toss back the ice, and chomp away. Something tastes off with it, so I spit it back into the cup, feeling drops dribble along my chin. I think they need to clean their ice machine.
I shove the cup away, but it spills across the bar.“Oh my galosh. Klutzamity Lettie ssstrikes again. Whoops.”
Damn. I’m slurring.
Was there booze in that soda?
“I got it. No problem.” The nicer of the two grabs some napkins to dab up my spill.
“Thhanksss,” I slur, then get back to this message with a quick shake of my head to clear the fog. The room spins.
The nicer guy says something. I don’t know what it is, but I laugh.
He laughs. I laugh. He must be funny.
The creepy guy seems funny too. He’s laughing with us.
The music is loud, and my head swishes around. The creepy, short one has a weird smell to him. A cheap cologne, maybe. I don’t like it. But he makes me laugh.
Back to the message. Squinting to see better, I close one eye and hold up my phone closer to my face. Oh. Too close.
I push it out a few inches. Ahh. Perfect.
There’s a message from Freya.
Don’t forget to text me when you get to James’s place safely. Good luck with the contest! Love you. xo
Aw. She’s sweet. Back to James.
I was talking to Freaya abut it. She told me u love me. And to prove it she told me what u did. Thats why im mad.
The bedrom set