Page 274 of Unexpected Hero

My voice cracks as I choke out her name. “Vanessa?”

In the dim light of the room, I see the tight pinch of her eyes and mouth as she fights back a pained sob. Her gaze travels up and down my partially nude body. The lack of sleep and food have my brain scattered, and confusing thoughts pelt me without mercy.

When did she get here?

Has she been here all along?

What did Skidmark mean about helping them?

I saw her leave the club with Freya. Is she here too?

That last one is the one I need answered first.“Did they get Freya as well?”

With her eyes downcast, she shakes her head.“Just me.”

I squeeze her shoulder a bit firmer, offering more comfort. “When did you get here?”

Although she glances up at me, she’s not really meeting my eyes. “An hour or two ago.” Her tone is cold, and she shirks away from me.

Maybe her shoulder is injured.

Or perhaps she still can’t stand me. Bitch.

Withdrawing my hand since it’s clearly unwelcome contact, I stay silent for a minute and study her. She doesn’t look drugged like the rest of us did when we got here. I was groggy as hell for a solid day after that shit they gave me.

“Didn’t they roofie you?”

She shakes her head no, her eyes falling once again to the floor. An eerie feeling creeps down my spine.

Something is very wrong about this.

To be clear, nothing that happens in this hell hole is right, but... her demeanor. The eye contact. The way she shies away from my comfort. Even the tone of her voice is... just off.

It doesn’t make sense.

“How did they get you if not drugs?” I ask, determined to get to the bottom of this.

“Shh! You’re going to get us in trouble,” one of the other girls chides us from the corner.

“Sorry,” I whisper back.

Aside from when we woke up together the first day, they don’t let us talk much. I assume they’re concerned we’d figure out a way to break out if we could band together. The windows are locked from the outside — bet your ass I already tried. And they’re always guarding the front and back doors.

If there were anything heavy enough, I’d throw it out the window and run for it. From what I can tell of the surrounding homes from the few glances I’ve got out the window, there are families nearby. I saw some kids’ toys in the yard across the street. It’s a lower-class residential neighborhood.

Once I find a way to escape this house, I should be able to get help from the neighbors. I’m clinging to that hope. It sustains me. That, along with my tiny acts of rebellion.

Vanessa recaptures my attention as she moves from her hands and knees into a seated position against a wall. Her posture is defensive. She’s wasting her attitude on the wrong people. The girls in here aren’t going to hurt her. We’re all in the same boat. The ones she needs protection from are on the other side of the door.

Judging by the battered look of her, she should know that by now.

“Vanessa,” I start, keeping my volume low. “I’m not happy to see you either. But there’s no reason to be hostile toward me. We’re both fucked now. And not in a good way. Let’s put our shit behind us, okay?”

A dark laugh void of humor echoes in the dank room. “Of course, Little Miss Sunshine is going to be the bigger person. That’s perfect.” Another chuckle as she shakes her head. “Do you have a fan club here too? Or will we need to wait until karaoke night until you’re everyone’s favorite?”

Some twats never change.

“Whatever. Keep being a bitch. I don’t give a fuck what you do. I never did.” I shake my head at her and return to the thin mat where I was trying to rest before she got thrown in here.