Page 208 of Unexpected Hero

Wait. I wonder if...

“Sugar, I want to try something. Feel free to say no. This isn’t an order. It’s a question.”

“What, babe?” There’s no fear or nervousness in her tone.

She trusts me.

That’s both beautiful and tragic at the same time.

I have to find a way to tell her the truth.

But then she’ll leave me.

When I don’t answer because I’m buried in my self-recrimination, she prompts me to continue. “What do you want to try, James?”

I should ask her to call me Tomer. Just once. Perhaps I could tell her it’s a roleplay thing.

“Babe?” she prods again.

I shake off the fog. “Sorry. Lost my train of thought.” I clear my throat. “I want to record us. Just for us. Not to post anywhere. I’ll ensure it’s not on the cloud. You can have the only copy on a jump drive, or we can destroy it afterward.”

“You want to record us having sex?”


“For your voyeur kink?”

“No. It’d be for you, not me. You should see how gorgeous you are when you’re overcome with pleasure. I know watching in a mirror still intimidates you. So perhaps if you saw yourself after the fact, it’d be easier to accept how natural and right it is. Help you get over the shame. Like another step closer to owning your sexuality.”

She takes a moment to ponder my suggestion. I don’t rush her.

Rubbing her back, I tell her, “Don’t decide now. It’s an idea for you to chew on. I only thought of it now, so I figured I’d tell you while it was on the top of my mind. Let me get your vibrator. Stay still.”

Maybe it was creepy to ask her that while she was tied to her bed and face down. And since it’s the middle of the night. I’m such a fucking idiot.

I remove a few toys from the silky bag she keeps in her nightstand and hold them out for her to choose.

She bites down on her lower lip as she decides. “The purple one.”

I attempt a joke to lighten the mood since I inadvertently tanked it with my dumb suggestion. “Excellent choice. Your vagina has a sophisticated palette.”

After I return the bag to the drawer, she stares off into space.

I was sure to secure her arms to the headboard so she could rest them flat on the bed or raise them higher by simply moving the T-shirt along the vertical post. Although she looks comfortable, the way she’s zoning out gives me pause.

Bending at the waist, I lower myself to her face. “Lettie, are you comfortable? Do your arms hurt? Wiggle your fingers for me.”

She blinks, her eyes coming into focus. “They feel great. It’s a nice position since the pillows are supporting my arms.”

“That’s good. Same as last time, tell me right away if you feel any tingling.”

“I know, babe.”

I claim her lips, quickly getting lost in how her sweet flavor mixes with the lingering taste of her arousal on my tongue.

By the time I break the kiss, my cock is throbbing with need. Before climbing into bed, I shed my boxers and rip open one of those trusty little foil packets to suit up.

As much as I’d love to take her bare, she’s conflicted about birth control. No way am I going to make her feel worse by asking. I’d sooner get a vasectomy than force her to make that decision when she’s still unpacking her religious baggage.