“I’m still at HQ. Just got off the phone with Sammy’s mother. Henderson is en route to her for protection. Shep will assist us tonight on scene. Grab what you need to work remotely and meet us downstairs in five.”
“Good call on Mrs. Mason. If someone targeted Sammy, her mother could be next.”
“Not on our fucking watch.”
By the time we arrive at the Sassy Parrot, Clearwater Police Department is on scene. Boss and Shep jump out of the SUV.
As I exit to join them, I get a message on my Redleg phone from one of the guys scanning the footage. “Head in without me, guys. I just got a message from HQ. Be right behind you.”
I read through the technical question, opting to call them back with my response to expedite everything.
Once that's done, my hand inches toward the handle to open the SUV door. I stop again when my personal cell buzzes in my back pocket. What the fuck now?
It’s a text from Lettie.
Sugar Bear
What time are you getting here? Supper’s almost ready!
Fuck. I forgot that she’s making dinner for our four-month anniversary. I should’ve been there by now.
Sorry, sweetness. Need to reschedule. Problem at work.
Sugar Bear
We can’t reschedule our sexiversary. The calendar changes for no man. Are you sure you can’t leave? Bring your laptop and work here while I blow you under the table.
Damn, sugar. That’s tempting. But I’m mobile with Boss right now. It’s an emergency. Unclear when I’ll be done.
Sugar Bear
Shit. I shouldn’t have said that.
Why would someone in corporatesoftware have an urgent assignment at night that puts them out of the office? Working late on a project or an install? Sure. But out of the office with your boss, working an emergency this late? Not likely.
She’s small-town and innocent, but she’s far from stupid.
Maybe I should tell her I work for a personal security company so she’ll stop wondering about this shit when it happens. So far, I’ve tried to keep as many details as possible from her, but she’s asking more and more questions lately. The gaffe I just made is only going to add to her curiosity. I’ll have to come up with something believable without mentioning Redleg. All I need is for her to start poking around the company or showing up one day to surprise me.
Great. More lies. More dirt that’ll collapse on me soon from the hole I’m digging myself.
I’ll explain later. I promise to make it up to you.
Sugar Bear
Fine. Be advised I’ll be pouting until you do. And I can’t promise not to hold this against you on our next sexiversary.
I hide the smile that threatens to sweep over my face as I slip the phone back into my pocket and shift back to work mode.
As soon as I exit the car, I catch the team heading toward me. And they’re hustling.