“Oh my god!” I yell in between keening whimpers.
In what seems like no time at all, my orgasm detonates. It’s almost violent, leaving me quivering and shaking in ecstasy. It all happens so fast I don’t have a chance to be ashamed of my loud reaction, especially considering our viewers behind the glass.
“Fucking hell, baby,” James grits out as he rises to his knees and wipes his face. “You weren’t kidding about being ready for this room, were you? That’s got to be a record.”
Smug as a bug on a rug, I quip, “I told ya so.”
“Up on your hands and knees, gorgeous. Face the fucking mirror.”
As I shuffle into position, he grabs a condom from the basket beside the bed and suits up. When he returns, I’m preening like a show pony, but I haven’t been brave enough to look in the mirror.
I’m afraid of what I’ll see.
Dressed like a slut and giving my body to a man.
Regardless of how strong my feelings are for him or how much I love our intimacy, there’s a deep-seated shame I haven’t been able to shake. All the orgasms in the world won’t release me from the hold it has over me.
I’m beginning to think I’ll never break free of it.
Unaware of my sudden mood shift, James kneels behind me on the bed, running his palm along my spine. As he instructed, I face the front but immediately close my eyes.
Coward. Slut. Sinner.
Chapter 38
My girl
As I line up my throbbing cock with Lettie’s perfect pussy and begin to enter her, I glance at the mirror, expecting to see her studying me with that sneaky grin she often wears when I catch her watching.
It’s such a fucking turn-on that she’s a voyeur too.
But her eyes are closed, and her face no longer exudes utter bliss. She looks... tense. But there’s something more. An unreadable emotion that causes my chest to tighten.
Not that most emotions are readable for me.
Without hesitating, I withdraw from her body. She shoots a concerned glance at me over her shoulder.
I drop to my ass and rest my back against the headboard. “Come here, sugar bear.”
She freezes, her eyes the only thing moving. They sweep around the room, almost pointedly avoiding mine.
Glad I trusted my instinct. Something is undoubtedly wrong.
With that thought, my erection softens.
When she doesn’t snap out of it on her own, I inject authority into my tone. “Lettie, I said come here. Now.”
She brushes off her indecision and crawls over to me. “Where do you want me?”
“Sit on my lap, facing me.”
After she straddles me, I tuck the single loose strand of hair that escaped her fancy hairdo and offer her a hint of a smile, hoping it comforts her. I settle my hands around her waist and study her carefully.
She wraps her arms over my shoulders, lacing her hands at my nape. “Did I do something wrong, babe?”