Page 8 of Scorched Hearts

Maya wasn’t finished. Now that she’d uncorked her hurt, Elle knew she would go all the way.

“I know no one’s going to tell you this, but you’re not untouchable. To have something real you need to make real sacrifices, put in real effort! This doesn’t only apply to your job. Love is work. Becoming a decent human being is work. And all these girls, these girls who throw themselves all over you because of the way you look, because you’re a hero—how’s that working out for you?”

Elle kept quiet. She hadn’t expected Maya to hit such a sensitive nerve for her. But Maya had always known her best. She shook her head. “You think I’m some kind of a playboy.”

“Aren’t you? I just think you take intimacy withoutsacrifice yourself, over and over again. And I can’t imagine you’ve changed much. You use women and then discard them. You know the best part, Elena?” Her voice rose dangerously high.

Elle shook her head. She’d entirely forgotten about the dizzy spells or the nausea she’d felt. Her body lived whatever words Maya directed at her, absorbed every break in her voice, every twitch of her expression.

“Everyone I tried dating in Phoenix Ridge after you, they thought I was just another Elena Rodriguez cast off just like all the rest. That I was just a toy you’d gotten bored of. And you know,” her voice broke, “I found it difficult to refute.”

These words absolutely enraged Elle. Maya had been different. Maya was… She grabbed Maya’s hand, and this time wasn’t immediately pushed away.

“That’s bullshit, and you know it. One drunken mistake doesn’t change anything about the kind of deep connection we shared for years. I’m sorry, you know I am, but--”

“No, I don’t know, Elena.” Maya pulled her hand away and got up from the grass. “Frankly, I don’t care. I moved away. I got over you. I’m back now, but I’d like for us to keep our interactions to a minimum.”

She pointed to an approaching man. “My colleague will take care of you.”

“I feel fine now.” Elle grunted, hurt by Maya’s words.

“Don’t be a baby,” Maya responded and was gone in a moment.

Elle’s vision became blurry with tears. The male paramedic kneeled next to her, checking her temperature. The building stood almost entirely extinguished, its image now flooded by tears in Elle’s eyes.

“How are you feeling, ma’am?”

“Who does she think I am?” Elle moaned, fed up with herself more than anyone else. “I fucked this up.”

The young paramedic sat next to her, confused.

“I’m not delirious,” she explained. “tThat doctor is my ex.”



The crowded surgery room began filling up with the scent of sweat, overshadowing even the usual synthetic smell of chemicals and surgical equipment. Why is there such a crowd here? Maya couldn’t help the thought bouncing about her mind even in the middle of performing surgery.

She was having a hard time adjusting to the new work environment, especially after the recent dispatching mistake.

She remembered her encounter with Elle Rodriguez and sighed. A leopard never changes their spots. And sometimes, when someone had caused you enough hurt, you couldn’t just forgive and forget.

However goddamned attractive Elle still was, dirty and distressed from the fire.

Either way, with the chest stabilization finished. Maya was desperate to get out of the OR and finally eat something. Her stomach rumbled without mercy. The sweat-filled rubber gloves landed gracelessly in the trashcan full of identical pairs, blood stained and disgusting.

On her way, Maya passed a nurse she’d made friends with. Both of them were new to Phoenix Ridge hospital, though Fleur came from abroad.

“Hi.” Maya waved. “Up for lunch together?”

“Sure.” Fleur smiled. “Cafeteria, or do you have your own?”

“You know I do,” Maya laughed, and they headed for the lockers.

Another reason for her finding it difficult to socialize was that she suffered from celiac disease and could never eat anything from the hospital cafeteria where the majority of doctors and nurses found time to make conversation during their scarce breaks. Fortunately, Fleur also brought her own vegan lunches.

“How is it going?” Fleur asked, taking out her box of pasta from the staff microwave.