Page 45 of Bristol

Tears prick the back of my eyes and I blink them away as fast as I can, trying to stop them from falling. Sebastian pretends not to notice and tosses our trash into a nearby trash can, giving me a few seconds to get my shit together so I don’t end up a blubbering mess in the midst of all these people. I wipe my eyes and run my hands over my face quickly, trying to go unnoticed.

“I’ve always wanted to do that DNA thing to see if I do have any relatives out there but never did,” he says, slipping his hand back inside mine.

“I think you should. Maybe that’ll be one of the first things I do when I get my money,” I say, smiling at him.

“I’ll get around to it eventually. Come on, let’s get out of here. I hear there’s a party going on at the clubhouse tonight,” he says with a mischievous grin.

We climb into the truck and Sebastian takes us cruising down beach boulevard with the windows down. My hair is blowing all around the cab of the truck and I laugh while trying to get it out of my mouth. The smell of the salt air has become such a comfort that it makes me feel like this is where I was always meant to be.

I know everything happens for a reason, but I’m certain I never would have discovered this place and these people had it not been for the tragedy that I went through for all those years. I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. I’m home.

Chapter Fourteen


The clubhouse is packed with our charter and those surrounding us. The news of Reaper’s engagement has traveled fast and everyone has come out to celebrate. I barely find a space to squeeze my truck over in the grass near the road. Bristol sees the vehicles and bikes in the parking lot and looks over at me with a deer-in-the-headlights stare on her face.

“It’s okay. I know it’s a lot of people, but you got this baby. Kendra and all the ladies are here, too, so just find them and you’ll be just fine.” I offer her words of encouragement and she offers me a fake smile.

“Okay,” she sighs, squeezing my hand before slipping out of the truck. We walk into the loud, packed clubhouse hand in hand and we’re in there for a whole three seconds before I’m bombarded by people I haven’t seen in forever. Bristol sticks to my side and I make introductions as we say hello to members of the Highway Sinners and independents alike.

“Sebastian fucking Abbot!” Micah shouts, clapping a hand on my shoulder.

Micah, President of the Gulfport Highway Sinners, and his wife, Raven, are standing just behind us. I turn around and give him a hug.

“What’s up, man?” I ask, smiling at him. I squeeze Raven into a hug and introduce her to Bristol.

She pulls Bristol into a hug with a huge smile on her face. “No way!” she shouts.

Bristol just stands there, looking confused as hell until Raven elaborates.

“It’s so nice to meet you! I never thought I’d see the day that Sebastian had a woman on his arm!”

Bristol smiles, some of her confidence returning as she begins to relax. “So I’ve heard.”

“We’ve been putting up with this fucker for the last few years. It’s nice to see him happy.”

“Got a minute?” Micah asks, quirking a brow in my direction.

I nod. “Hey, babe. I’ll be back in a little while,” I whisper into Bristol’s ear. “You good?”

She shakes her head yes then turns enthusiastically back to her conversation with Raven. Micah and I weave through the crowd and disappear out one of the side doors that leads to a private courtyard. It dead ends against a tall, abandoned building and no one comes out here unless you’re privy to knowing this spot even exists.

“I hear you’ve got yourself a pedo problem.”

I nod. “You hear correct.”

“We got word through one of our tech guys. Your warning got put out on the wire.”

“How do you know it was my warning?”

“They didn’t say that. I just so happened to know a certain signature that one of you have that was in said warning,” he grins.

“Good. Anything surface yet?”

“Nah. Not yet. Reaper’s handiwork won’t go unnoticed though. People are going to start to talk, you can bet your ass on it. Won’t be long and they’ll be handing that sick fuck over to you.”

“Thanks, man. I appreciate your intel.”