Page 32 of Bristol

The display of affection makes her uncomfortable and she quickly averts her eyes.

“Umm, your total is $77.84.”

Sebastian swipes his card and takes the bag from her.

“Have a nice day,” he quips, grabbing my hand as we walk out of the store.

“That was awkward,” I say when we enter back into the hustle and bustle of the mall.

“Maybe for her,” he shrugs, offering me his boyish grin.

We walk around a little bit longer before finally heading back to the house to get ready. It doesn’t take me very long to get dressed and curl my hair with the curling wand I found underneath Sebastian’s cabinet in the bathroom. I would ask where it came from, but it really doesn’t fucking matter. I already know no one else is going to be here while I’m here. That is the least of my concerns. The way he looks at me, I don’t know that he can even look at someone else. There’s so much conviction in his eyes when he looks at me. Like I’m the only woman he’s ever looked at. It makes me doubt that I’m a charity case and makes me feel wanted. And loved.

Sebastian is dressed and ready before I am. He’s wearing black slacks, a black button-down short-sleeve, with an emerald-green bow tie that matches my dress and makes his green eyes shine. He’s in a nice pair of black shoes and he shaved, lining his chin strap out and giving him a clean, sexy look.

“Wow,” I say, staring at him before me.

“Wow, yourself,” he smiles, pulling me into his arms. He gives me a soft, slow kiss, before pulling away and resting a hand on my cheek.

“Ready?” he asks.

I close my eyes and nod. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

Chapter Ten


Reaper and Kendra’s engagement party is being held at a beautiful house on the lake an hour from the coast. It used to be a plantation in the 1800s but now is a venue that is rented out for events. Kendra just so happens to not have a single clue. She thinks they’re going to someone else’s event for a co-worker of Reaper’s. I can’t wait to see her face. They deserve this.

The drive is filled with sexual tension and innuendos from Bristol. She even goes as far as to slip her finger inside her pussy and then put in her mouth, sucking the combination of us from earlier from the tip of her finger, drawing a groan from my chest. She’s going to fucking love teasing me and I’m going to love getting my hands on her at the end of the night.

The way that green dress dips low, showing off her cleavage makes my dick jump in my slacks. I’m going to have to stay away from her, far away, if not it’s going to be tent fucking city in these slacks.

The venue is packed when we arrive. It’s six o’clock and the sun is falling behind the horizon. The front of the plantation is decorated in string lights that illuminate the area filled with chairs and tables. There are servers everywhere, some with champagne, wine, and beer, and others with appetizers being offered to guests. Bristol’s hand finds mine and I give it a squeeze.

She looks around us, mesmerized. Her eyes glimmer with joy as she takes in the sight.

“This place is gorgeous,” she says distractedly, her eyes bouncing around from one end of the yard to the other.

“Reaper’s got taste,” I shrug.

“I’d say.”

“Come on, let’s go say hello,” I say, spotting Reaper and Kendra.

“And remember, she doesn’t know anything.”

Bristol nods. “Got it. Don’t ruin surprise. Don’t ruin surprise,” she repeats, making me laugh.

“Sebastian!” Reaper shouts, waving me over.

I approach slowly, extending my hand to him.

“Hey, brother,” I say as he grabs my hand and yanks me into a hug.

“This is Bristol,” I introduce her and Reaper’s smile widens.

“Hey! I’ve heard a lot about you. It’s good to finally meet the girl who put Princess in her place.”