Clyde swallows hard and nods.
Mo slams the door and meets me on the driver’s side.
“What are you going to do with him?” I ask, curious what the plan is.
“I’ve got a few things I’d like to test out on him to see if he can be swayed to tell us what he knows. You just leave the dirty stuff to me and take care of our girl.”
“I’m going to go grab his computer and bring it to Slider. See what he can find.”
“That’s a great fucking idea. I was too worried about getting my pound of flesh I wasn’t even thinking about what could be on his hard drive.”
“I’ll put it in the saddlebag and see you at church later?” I ask the question because I’m not sure how long his testing is going to last.
“Wouldn’t miss it. I can’t wait to tell the boys about this. Big George is gonna be happier than a pig in shit,” he says with a smile.
Mo drives off and I go back upstairs to grab his computer. There are so many screens open and I’m not that familiar with any of the programs that are open.
I begin closing windows out one by one. Maps, property records, links to burner phones. I ex out the tabs, looking for anything that might point us in the right direction.
I close out a random webpage and when it disappears, a window with video footage is open behind it.
My stomach turns. I recognize the room instantly. The concrete walls and floors with the bed and nightstand in the middle of the room. Bile rises in my throat at the scene that unfolds before me. Bristol is lying in the bed and who I can only assume is Patrick is standing beside the bed. He’s got her pinned face down and is forcing himself into her backdoor. The volume is muted and I say a silent thank you to the man upstairs for sparing me of what I can only imagine is pure terror. Her head is thrown back and I can see the side of her face. Her mouth is wide open, screaming out in agony as he plows into her asshole continuously. I can’t stomach watching anymore. I’m going to fucking hurl. I run outside and vomit over the side of the rail. I wipe my mouth and go back inside, minimizing the video and unplugging the monitor from the laptop it was attached to.
I slide it in my saddlebag and haul ass to the clubhouse.
I’m about to learn how it feels to torture someone. This sick fuck has been watching these videos of that fucking bastard raping her! I want to put my fist through that motherfucker's face. I’m so flooded with rage I can’t see straight. I whip into the clubhouse and fly through the door, searching for Mo. His truck is outside, but I don’t know if he brought Clyde back here.
“Where the fuck is he?” I ask, spotting Mo sitting at the bar with Niles standing in front of him.
“I put him somewhere for safe keeping.”
Mo gives me a side-eye at my tone. “What happened?”
“He’s got video of it. He’s got fucking video of what that sick fuck did to Bristol and he’s been watching that shit! It was up on his computer. I only saw the one and couldn’t bring myself to even watch the whole thing without throwing my fucking guts up.”
“That motherfucker,” Mo huffs, shaking his head.
“I’m going to rip his fucking throat out. I’m going to rip his fucking eyes out of his head for watching her!” I shout, slamming my fists into the bar.
“He’s all yours, brother. Let’s get through church first, though.”
My body trembles with rage. I want to put my hands on him right. Now.
All I can do is nod.
When church is over, there isn’t a fucking soul on this earth that can stand in my way. Not a single fucking soul.
Chapter Nine
It’s the early hours of the morning when Sebastian finally makes it back to the apartment. He’s dirty, tired, and has a distant look in his eyes. He looks haunted, almost. I want to inquire about his night, but I think better of it. He takes a shower and I pretend to be asleep when he crawls into bed. He pulls me into his chest and exhales a deep breath into my neck. Like he’s been searching for salvation all day and he’s finally found it in this bed with me. I nestle into him, pushing my body as close to his as physically possible and his hand wraps around my stomach, resting just below my belly button.
My eyes flutter closed as I sink into the ultimate comfort lying here in his arms until that hand resting on my stomach inches its way lower, into the thin fabric of the underwear I have on. My back arches into him as his needy fingers find me wet for him already. He sinks his teeth into my shoulder, biting me in small, quick nips up my neck then down again as he eases his finger into me. The sensation of his mouth on me and his finger in me has me spiraling, wanting this feeling to last forever. Its euphoric. Tantalizing. Blissful. I want to ride this wave, teetering in the realm of pleasure on an endless loop.
“Harder,” I whisper on a short breath. He begins to move his hand faster, but I grip it, stopping him. He pauses for a beat before I’m met with his teeth crushing into my shoulder. I cry out his name as the sensation rushes over me. The bite of the pain mixed with the immense pleasure.