Page 65 of Bristol

“Ryker?” I ask, wracking my brain.

“Yeah! You met him at bike night last week. He’s the new prospect.”

“Oh! Yeah, I do remember him. His accent made him stand out. That’s so cool.”

“He seems to be a pretty cool guy. He’s just young and learning the way of things, but he’s nice and very respectful. Which is more than I can say for half the guys that don’t make it.”

“Right! In just the short amount of time I’ve been here there’s been, what, four guys who couldn’t make the cut?”

“At least.”

“Hey! You two want to come check out the house or are you going to sit out there and melt all day?” Sebastian hollers from the back door of the house.

We walk inside and find him and Reaper upstairs on the porch. The highway is moderately busy with traffic on both sides flowing smoothly. There are a few families playing on the beach, but it’s a Tuesday, so most people are at work. At least, most of the locals. It is summertime after all.

“You’ve got a decent view,” Reaper notes, resting his forearms on the rail.

“It’s one hell of a view,” Sebastian says, staring at me.

I grin and rest my head on his shoulder, staring out at the gulf as the waves crash against the shore. I can’t wait until it’s two in the morning, there’s no traffic on the road, and the only sound traveling through the air is the waves crashing on the shore. The smell of saltwater in the air, the humidity in the air, and my sweet Sebastian beside me. I swear I bought this house for the porch and location alone.

“I love the big oak tree in the front yard,” Kendra says, popping her head on the other side of Reaper’s shoulder.

“The whole property is beautiful,” I note, looking at it from up here.

I head inside to check on the status of the movers and see how things are progressing. They’ve got almost all of the furniture unloaded into the main room of the house and are moving it into the coordinating rooms from there. We have brand new living room furniture, bedroom furniture, and dining room furniture. It may have taken a solid two hours for Sebastian and I to agree on a bed, but after I showed him my point of view, he came around to my way of thinking. And, by showed him my point of view, I mean put his dick in my mouth in the furniture store and had him gripping the showroom nightstand to keep from screaming my name.

My thighs press together at the thought and begin trying to figure out how to get rid of Reaper and Kendra and the movers so we can start breaking this house in. There are so many new surfaces that need christening. New surfaces. New furniture. New pool. New patio furniture. So many things. I push the thoughts down into the back of my mind since we won’t be alone for a while, considering I’m looking out the back door at the truck of all our shit and it’s only half-empty. I walk across the house and the floor creaks in different spots throughout the living room. It gives it even more character and I love it.

The day drags on and when the sun finally sets and the house has cleared out, there is so much unpacking to be done. Kendra helped me unpack most of the kitchen and bedroom boxes, but Sebastian and I went a little crazy while we were shopping for house décor and necessities so now we have way more items than we originally started with.

“Are we going to bike night tonight?” I ask, peering through the doorway of Sebastian’s future man cave.

“Actually, I’ve got some stuff to take care of with Reaper. You can go to bike night if you want, though, love.”

“I think I might just go hangout with Kendra. She said something about a get-together with Mack.”

“That sounds perfect. Just keep your phone on you and be safe.”

“I will. And text me when you make it where you’re going safely, please.”

Sebastian nods. “I’m going to shower in a few and I’ll head out.”

“I’m actually going to go ahead and head out now.”

I cross the room and kiss him, placing a hand on either side of his face. It’s a soft, lustful kiss. One that says, ‘I love you and be safe’ but also ‘I want you’.

His hand travels down my back and caresses my ass, gripping a cheek in each hand. “See you tonight. I’ll be late, but I can’t wait to fuck you on our new kitchen counter.”

“Yes, please,” I whisper. Kissing him one more time before I walk out the door.

I feel only a tinge of guilt as I drive to meet Kendra. I may have told a little white lie. It is true that I’m going to meet Kendra and Mack for a get-together. I just left out what kind of get-together we are indulging in.

I’ve never been much of a grudge holder until my life was forcibly taken from me and ran entirely by another human for so many years. It was then that I learned that I would take no shit from anyone moving forward in my life. Part of this new life mantra is not letting little preppy, conniving bitches get away with trying to ruin people’s lives.

I shoot Kendra a text letting her know I’ll be at her place to pick her up in fifteen minutes and turn the radio up in my Infiniti and open the sunroof. The smell of the beach has become one of my favorite things about living here.

Kendra is ready and waiting outside when I pull into her driveway. Her hair is pulled back into a tight bun and she’s wearing a solid black tee and black leggings, her outfit mirroring mine.