Page 4 of Bristol

Chapter Two


Ididn’t know what to do when Mo brought that girl in and she lost her marbles. I didn’t know what was going on or why she was sobbing and wailing, but I know that I couldn’t watch her like that, helpless and hurt and afraid without doing something. I scooped her up in my arms and put her in my bed. She needed privacy. Then, Mo explained everything and the whole fucking ordeal made my blood boil. How could someone treat any woman like that, any human being like that? That sick fuck will pay for what he’s done, I’ll make damn sure of it. Even if it means taking my time and murdering him with my own two hands, then so fucking be it.

Bristol is going to have a long road ahead of her. If she needs a ride to Wisconsin, then I’ll bring her. I want to help her. I’ve always been a sucker for a damsel in distress, but I really am only interested in helping this girl. Something about her situation tugs at me and it’s more like I’m compelled to help her. She needs someone, and I’m determined to be that someone.

“Yo, Bash!” Joey, President of Tattered Saints MC, calls me to him. He’s seated at our bar, sipping his usual glass of scotch on the rocks.

I stride over and take a seat next to him. The bar isn’t open, so there’s no one behind it right now. We usually only have a few prospects or new members behind it when there’s a party going on, so it’s not unusual.

“What’s up?” I ask.

Joey takes a sip of his drink and sets it down.

“Mo had me do some digging for that girl. It’s bad, man. Her parents, and brother were all brutally murdered the day she went missing. People are even saying she could have been the one to kill them.”

I shake my head. There’s no way in fucking hell that broken girl in there slaughtered her family and disappeared for six years. No fucking way in hell. If he considers that for one fucking second, he didn’t see how the news of her family’s death completely broke her. Broke as in she couldn’t even fucking function anymore.

“Dude, there’s no way she did that. You didn’t see what I saw yesterday. I’ve never seen anyone in so much pain that hadn’t been physically beaten and bleeding out. The news of her family’s death shattered her.”

Joey puts his hands up. “I wasn’t saying that I think she did, I’m just telling you what I’ve found out by doing a little research.”

My bones almost vibrate from the growing anger inside me. How can they say that? She’s been through hell and now she’s going to have to face people who are going to accuse her of murder.

“I’ll be back later,” I say, storming out of the clubhouse.

I need to clear my head before I break my fist. I don’t know how anyone can treat a woman like that. A girl. She was only a teenager, for fucks sake. I grab my helmet and secure it before I take off down the highway. My bike purrs between my legs, the familiar feeling already beginning to calm my nerves.

The wind in my face has my mind clearing. I’m able to focus on rationalizing my thoughts rather than them being a clusterfuck. I have to find out where this guy’s shop is and I know Mo will tell me. I’m surprised Mo hasn’t killed him yet, or at least had him killed. No one who does that to someone deserves to breathe the same air we breathe. I hate this motherfucker so much and I’ve never laid eyes on him.

I’ll talk to Mo when I get back and let Joey know we’re going out later to find this sick fuck and make sure he never does this to anyone ever again. As the Sergeant at Arms of our club, I get to make these calls and so long as Joey doesn’t have a solid reason as to why we shouldn’t, then my decision is final, and my judgement stands.

My club won’t pull out of this, that much I’m sure of. I race down the crowded streets of Gulfport, zipping in and out of traffic until I get to Beach Boulevard. The smell of saltwater fills my nostrils and I breathe it in happily. I moved here three years ago when I was barely twenty-one. I had a gambling problem, a drinking problem, and I was almost too far gone by the time Mo found me. He got me cleaned up and welcomed me into the world of the Tattered Saints MC.

I’m finally able to gamble a little without losing everything I’ve worked for. I learned a technique that works for me. I still drink socially, but nothing more than that. Mainly because I hate the person I am when I drink. I never want to fall back into that life again. I’ve worked too hard to get my life back and I refuse to go down that road ever again.

I ride through Biloxi and Ocean Springs before hitting the interstate and jetting back to our clubhouse. I feel better and a little less like I’m going to go off like a ticking time bomb. I want to be level-headed when I talk to this girl. The last thing she needs is some crazed fucking lunatic talking to her and trying to get information about what is probably the most traumatic experience of her life.

I’m going to have to give her some time before I start hounding her with questions. She’s probably still a complete and total wreck. I can’t blame her though. I pull up at the clubhouse and walk into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge. I want to check on her, but I don’t want to intrude on her personal space. We’re all strangers to her.

Mo and Slim are sitting at the table. I walk past them into the bar, where Joey’s still sitting exactly where I left him. The smell of scotch makes my nostrils burn, but I push past it.

“We need to talk.”

“Okay. Shoot.”

“I want an emergency church called for tonight. There are some things I need to bring to the table that can’t wait.”

“Done. I’ll send out the text.”

“Thank you.”

I walk out of the bar, away from that god-awful smell and into the living room. There are two couches, a coffee table, an over-sized chair and an ottoman, and a few end tables with lamps on them. The floor is a nice, light-tan colored tile and the walls are a neutral beige. For a bunch of rough around the edges bikers, we like nice shit.

I sink into the chair, my favorite spot in the clubhouse, and grab my phone out of my pocket. I google Bristol, missing girl and multiple news articles appear. I read through them all and the context is the same. Bristol Tullier, seventeen, went missing on the evening of June 6th, 2017. On the same day, her parents and brother were all brutally murdered. No one knows what happened to her or who would have a reason or motive to commit these crimes. Evidence left behind at the scene suggests that the killer was in fact a male, wearing a size ten shoe. No other physical evidence was found at the scene.

So many of the comments suggest that Bristol was seeing an older man, and he killed her family and they ran off together. They make it sound like she actually had something to do with her family’s murder. People will believe anything the media tells them or anything they find on the internet. I wonder if she knows any of this, that people think she had something to do with these atrocious acts.