Bristol’s cheeks redden at his comment, but she smiles proudly. “She deserved it.”
Kendra walks to Reaper’s side, linking her arm in his.
“Love, this is Bristol. Sebastian’s…” he pauses, looking at me for help.
“Girlfriend,” I say quickly. We haven’t really talked about it but, I think that’s okay. Fuck. I search Bristol’s face for some kind of sign.
She smiles and offers Kendra her hand. “Nice to meet you.”
Kendra smiles a warm smile at her. “You too! I’ve heard so many good things about you. Here, come with me! The other ol’ladies will be so happy you’re here and to finally meet you!”
Kendra drags her by the hand and Bristol shrugs at me with a smile over her shoulder as they walk off into the sea of people. I know she’s in good hands with Kendra.
“You can’t be bringing her around with her tits hanging out like that. You’re gonna get me cut by Kendra. It’s hard to look away.”
I chuckle. “Kendra will be the least of your worries, brother.”
He rolls his eyes at me and beckons me to follow him. We walk inside of the plantation home that opens into a foyer with a dual staircase, one on each side. The ceiling is full of intricately designed, hand-carved wooden crown molding.
There’s an archway in the center beneath the stairs and the light-grey marbled tile floors are so shiny I can see mine and Reaper’s reflection looking back at me in them.
“How much did you pay to rent this damn place?” I ask, looking around at the detail in every inch of the building.
“I didn’t.”
“You got it for free?” I ask incredulously, trying to control the volume of my voice, though I’m sure it went up an octave or two because holy shit.
Reaper laughs and shakes his head. “No, you dumbass. I bought it.”
“You bought it?” I whisper-yell, garnering me a glare from one of the servers. I restrain myself from telling her to fuck-off.
“Yep. It’s Kendra’s engagement gift.”
“I thought the engagement gift was the fucking ring?”
Reaper alternates his hand back and forth like he’s holding a balancing scale and weighing the two side by side. “Eh, maybe for normal people,” he smiles.
“Come see, I want to show you something.”
He walks up one of the staircases and leads us down a long hallway that dead ends at a door. He enters, leaving the door open for me to follow behind him. It’s like stepping back in time by a hundred years. The floor is a deep red, velvety carpet with dark wood-panel walls. In the center of the room is dark wooden desk that matches the paneling, with a large black leather office chair tucked neatly beneath it.
There are two chairs opposite the desk, facing it. The room feels like it could have been Dracula’s office, aside from all the sunlight draping through the white-lace curtains that hang floor to ceiling, the length of the two pair of windows sitting directly behind the desk.
“What do you think? I can run all of my companies from in here at the computer and I can plan out all of my travels too.”
“I think this is the coolest fucking office I’ve ever seen. Brother, this is badass.”
He walks around the back of the desk and pulls out a small ring box. “Wait ‘til you see this.”
I approach the desk and he flips the box around, revealing the black, teardrop diamond in the center with small white diamonds encasing it. The damn band alone looks like it costs more than my salary.
“I’ve never seen anything more Kendra. Wow. That’s a fine piece of jewelry.”
Reaper beams at my comment. “I hope she loves it. I love it. I think it’s going to be perfect on her dainty little tattooed finger.”
I peer out of the window, looking over the sea of people below. I spot Bristol in her green dress, standing around a circle with Kendra, Loretta, and Lacey. She’s laughing at something someone said and has a glass of wine in her hand.
Her burgundy lipstick compliments her complexion and I force back thoughts of her wrapping her lips around my dick. I adjust myself and move away from the window.