Page 22 of Bristol

“I don’t know how to get to it, but I know someone who does.”


“I’m not telling you! You’re dragged me in here, isolated me for two days when I already have been through so much, and you want me to give you the names of the only people who have given a single solitary fuck about me over the last six years? Nah.”

“So how exactly do you expect me to believe anything you’ve said if you won’t give me proof?”

“I’ll give you proof. I’ll just get it my damn self.” I cross my arms, and though it makes me feel more like a child than an adult, I feel in control of something for the first time.

Agent McCreary closes his eyes for a beat and places his thumb and pointer finger on either side of the bridge of his nose, his frustration evident. I don’t care.

“Don’t I get a phone call or something?”

He looks up at me and sighs. “Yeah. Eventually.”

“Am I being charged with anything? Or are you just going to keep me in solitary confinement in that holding cell until you figure out what it is you’re going to do with me? Cause that doesn’t seem very fair…”

He scoffs. “Criminals aren’t treated fair, Miss Tullier.”

I roll my eyes at the formal use of my last name.

“I’m not a criminal.”

“That is yet to be determined.”

A knock at the door has me ready to jump out of my skin. Agent McCreary seems to notice that I’m on edge but simply gets up to open the door without commenting.

He nods as the officer outside whispers something to him. He remains standing at the door after the officer walks away.

“We aren’t done with you.”

My face contorts with confusion at his statement. He stands with door open and motions for me to go out. I stand slowly and cross the room, exiting through the door.

Sebastian is waiting in the hallway, looking like a manic wild man that hasn’t slept in three days.

“You’re free to go. Don’t leave town, though. We’ll be back.”

I fight the urge to give him the bird, but the thought quickly fades as I barrel into Sebastian’s arms. Any composure that I had has been completely stripped and I cry so hard in his comfort. His hands run over the back of my head in almost a petting motion as sobs continue to wrack my body. My chest hurts. My heart hurts. My eyes hurt. Everything fucking hurts.

“Shhh. It’s okay. I got you, Bristol.”

We stand there for a few minutes and I work so hard to bury every emotion I am feeling that is threatening to ruin me right here in this police precinct.

“Mo is outside in the truck. Let’s go and we can figure all this out once we’re away from here.”

I nod and run my hands over my face, wiping the tears away.

Sebastian takes my hand and I follow him out to the parking lot where Mo sits in his copper-colored Dodge Ram.

Sebastian opens the back door and I climb in. He climbs in behind me. Seeing Mo’s face makes me feel a little bit better about everything going on. His face signifies freedom. It signifies my savior. The man who has forever changed my life for the better. A peace washes over me, helping bury the overwhelming pain that is swirling in my chest.

“Hey, girl.” His eyes meet mine in the rearview mirror and I offer him the best smile I can manage.


“We’re going to set this all straight. Don’t you worry.”

Sebastian closes the door and I lean into his side, resting my head on his shoulder. Maurice drives us to the clubhouse and no one is there. I don’t even know what day of the week it is. When we pull in, the only vehicle I can see is Sebastian’s truck parked off to the side. No one else is here. Good thing. I’m pretty sure if I have to look at the blonde headed little bitch, I’m going to beat her until everything I feel is nothing but pain in my fists from pounding her scrunched up little face.