“A bit of fun,” I continue, “might be exactly what she needs.” Because surely, she deserves a break. She deserves to feel good, to live life on her own terms.

“Leave her alone,” Rhokar growls.

“What?” I take another slow sip around my smile, my mind already whirring with plans. “I didn’t do anything.”


Mm. Yet.

Chapter 3


The morning sunlight streams through the windows of Ella’s cozy townhouse that will be my home for the short term, casting its warm, bright rays across the interior. My sister and I settle into the living room with a mug in our hands, sitting down for a calm moment before we head out to the local flea market later today.

The drive down yesterday had been tiring, but Lucas, my brave little boy, took the whole thing in stride. He was surprisingly less bothered by leaving Brad behind than I’d thought he’d be and is acting like this whole thing is one big adventure. Currently, he’s running through the house with Ella’s little half-orc twins, Rowan and Rylah, giggling up a storm as he leads the three-year-olds through whatever game he’s invented today.

“He sure is taking things well,” Ella says, one hand on her round, pregnant belly as the kids zip past us in a flurry of shouts.

“Better than me, anyway,” I mutter, although I can’t help but wonder if that’s only because he doesn’t fully grasp the situation, even though I did my best to explain it to him. I’ll have to keep an eye on him to see how he reacts when the weeks drag on and we still don’t return to Brad.

“Yes, I noticed the dark circles under your eyes before I even stepped inside today,” Ella says. I glare at her half-heartedly, but she only smirks before her features soften. “Did you have trouble sleeping? Is there anything I can do around here to make you more comfortable?”

“No,” I sigh, “your place is super comfy. My problem is all in here.” I tap at my temple, and she reaches over to squeeze my knee.

“Would you like a lobotomy?”

I snort. “Yes, please, actually.”

The kids choose that moment to zoom back into the living room, and I hastily grab Ella’s mug and put it on the coffee table before us as Lucas barrels towards her, his floppy blonde hair flying.

“Auntie Poo-poo!” he shrieks his favorite nickname for my sister, giggling and looking worried at the same time. “Ro-ro had an accident!”

Rylah runs in after him, laughing and squealing as she points behind her, and we all turn to see Rowan walk into the living room. His hands are held out to the side stiffly, and his chin is tilted up as a huge bubble of snot gloops slowly down over his lips and chin.

He stares imploringly across the room at his mother, his huge black eyes wide and shimmering with tears, and Lucas bounces in a circle.

“He sneezded and boogered all over!”

Rylah squeaks and starts bouncing in a circle too, her floral dress whirling around her green legs as she chants, “Yuk, yuk, yuk!”

Beside me, Ella heaves an almighty sigh and begins clambering out of her seat, but I wave her pregnant butt back onto the couch and snag a handful of tissues.

“I am the greatest Aunt in the world,” I mutter, as I head over and wipe up Rowans chubby green face. I feel a surge of affection when I finish and his bottom lip trembles, a single, fat tear leaking from his eye. I helped raise this kid for nearly two years before Ella found their father again and married him, and I still feel ridiculously attached.

“It’s okay, baby,” I coo with a huge grin, leaning down to deposit a big kiss on his cheek. “It’s just boogers, you’re all clean now.”

“It’s just boogers!” Lucas parrots, still laughing, and he rushes over to lay a kiss on Rowan’s cheek, too. “It’s okay, baby.”

“It’s okay!” Rylah cries, as she too barrels over to give her twin a bear hug and a kiss. When the three of them fall to the ground, Rylah and Lucas now violently peppering a shyly smiling Rowan with kisses, I throw the tissues away, wash my hands, and settle back down beside my sister.

“I wish someone would throw me to the ground with kisses,” I murmur as I watch them. “That would go a long way towards making me feel better.”

“I bet it would,” Ella replies with a wriggle of her dark brows, and the perfectly styled brown locks that brush her shoulders swing forward as she leans conspiratorially towards me. “I have just the guy for you.”

I grin wryly and flick her forehead. “Actually, I take that back. I would like for no man to ever throw me down ever again ever, thanks. Ever.”

“Oh.” She smirks, her blue eyes bright as she leans back. “Well in that case, I have just the minotaur for you to avoid.”