I turn in his arms and hold his face. “Don’t ever say that again.”
Jack takes a long breath, like he’s about to say something he’s unsure of.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect your father,” Jack says, the thickness of his voice choking in his throat. “I tried, but I was too late.”
“It’s not your fault. No one blames you.”
“I blame me. He always had our backs, and the one night he need us, we weren’t there. It should have been me in that blast. He should have come home to his wife and kid.”
I grip his hands tighter. “You can’t live this way, Jack. You need to forgive yourself.”
“I won’t. But I’m telling you now, what you did for me last night, the way you held me and supported me…” His eyes drop to my lips and my heart hammers against my chest. “No one has ever done that for me.”
I quickly wipe the tears from my eyes. The beauty of the mountains behind me, the vast world of which we’re just a tiny part of. It’s all a reflection of how I feel about this rugged man. His eyes are too much, his warm touch everything.
“I’ll do it every day for the rest of my life.”
Jack swallows hard. “Emma, if I give in to you, there’s no going back.”
“I want that.”
He stares at my mouth. Those stunning eyes that have seen too much looking over my face like it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. He makes me complete.
“Kiss me, Jack.”
I lean forward and tilt my head, Jack does the rest.
I moan as his lips collide with mine. There’s no holding back this time, no hesitation. My hands go to Jack’s chest and his lips part, his tongue invading my mouth. He groans and grips my hips, my body surrounded by his heat.
“Oh, Jack,” I whimper into his mouth.
He just grunts and picks me up. Pure muscle carries me back to his truck where he settles me on the hood, positioning himself between my legs. There’s a swarm of butterflies crashing around in my body, desperate for more.
“Take me home, Jack.”
He growls and nips at my lip. “Home? You mean that?”
I nod, my forehead pressing against his as I swallow his hard kisses. “I mean it. Take me home, back to our cabin.”
Chapter Six
My foot is planted to the floor as the wheels screech around every tight corner. Gripped so tight around the wheel, my knuckles have turned white as I race back home. My cock is rock solid, my balls aching with the need to release.
I’m desperate for this woman. So fucking ready to unleash everything I have been trying to ignore.
“Are we nearly there?” Emma asks, leaning forward on the seat next to me.
I bite down as she slides her hand up my thigh. Every nerve in my body ignites, my skin scorching hot with the need to have her. Her hand continues up my leg, slowly moving over my crotch. Fuck. She’s making it hard to keep up this racing speed, so I slow my truck down a little - I want to make it back to my cabin.
“Nearly there,” I grind out.
Her hand moves over the painful hardness pressing against my zipper. I glance at my girl and let my eyes take in the beautiful sight beside me. All those curves, the flowing blond hair and dazzling blue eyes.
I’m in love.
I’m done fighting it. Fate can’t stop this from happening and I’m not about to let it.