When we both were breathless, I released his mouth and his shirt that I was clutching in my fists.

As I looked up at him through my long lashes, he said, “You weren’t expecting this?”

I shook my head. “You said can we talk? And it scared me. I didn’t want you to end it,” I confessed. “I need you.”

“I was never letting you go, Sona.”

I put my hands on my hips and frowned. “But you waited for me to say it.”

He kissed my forehead. “I had to know you felt the same way. I needed to see the desperation.”

A shiver finally struck my body. I shuddered and sat back down as I finally felt my cold hands. Mihir stepped over and sat beside me, wrapping his strong arm around my shoulders. A quick warmth engulfed me, as if this was exactly what I had been waiting for all my life. As I snuggled closer, he hugged me and kissed my temple.

“There can be no one else for me, Sona. My parents love you, my friends admire you, and I… Well, I like the shit out of you. There was no way I was ending it, sweetheart.”



“You know what I’ve been doing since that night at the lake house when I walked over to your room? Telling myself that I cannot, under any circumstances, fall for you. I wanted you so badly, but I knew I was a temporary distraction for you. How could I let myself walk into the fire with my eyes wide open? I kept convincing myself that being with you meant nothing because, in my heart, I knew it meant everything.”

He let out a gentle laugh. “Can I confess something too? I was terrified of falling for you the day I met you, and the more I got to know you, the more I was convinced I wanted nothing else, nothing less than you in my arms and in my life.”

I gathered his big hands in mine and clutched them. “I know I’ve been unfair to you. You have been trying to get closer, and I’ve been pushing you away. You are right. I did run away the moment it got real, but that’s because I didn’t want to end up hurt again.”

A reassuring smile from him. “Then here’s something that might convince you I’m sincere about you. Are you ready?”

I removed my boots and climbed on the bed to face him.

“I’ve been looking into expanding the company to New York,” he continued. “So we can be together in the same place. I’m talking to a few people now, exploring possibilities.”

I dropped my jaw in surprise and slapped my hands over my gaping mouth.

He shrugged. “This is the reality of modern love. Logistics. Resolving the two-body problem. I just started the legwork early.”

I shook my head. “That’s not the reason for my gasp.”


“When I returned home in October, I saw an announcement for an Assistant Professor position in Houston that was perfect for me, and I applied for it.”

His body perked up, and he held my arms as his eyes glazed for a moment. “Your trip to Houston last week?”

I nodded. “My first campus interview. I’ll be invited again for a public talk and the final round of interviews if I make it to that stage.”

“Why wouldn’t you? You are smart and well-published,” he said with a smile.

“I’m sure the other candidates are similarly placed, some better qualified, even.”

“Well, after they read your latest article, they would be foolish not to roll out a red carpet for you.”

“You’ve read it?” my voice inflected.

“I did. It was very insightful. A lot of academic jargon, but I got through it.”

“Academic jargon! And here I thought I was a good writer.”

“You are fantastic, but some terms are unavoidable, I guess? I had to pause to do my own research.”