She was curled up on the bed with giggles dancing around her eyes.
“That amuses you?” I glowered, only she wasn’t one to be threatened easily.
“Very much,” she said, slowly drawing up to sit, her glossy hair obediently following her every movement. “You thought I’d let you torture me but somehow let this moment slip?”
She got on her haunches and crawled to the edge of the bed where I stood. Her face was perfectly poised to resume what she had started.
I pushed my hand in her hair and fisted it, gently this time. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re trouble, Sona Thomas?”
“The kind you like?” she inquired with a cute tilt of her head.
“The kind I never expected,” I said and bent down to bite her earlobe as she giggled hard.
“But now,” I said with a growl in her ear, “you’re in trouble. Deep trouble.”
She was impish. “How deep?” she asked with a curve of her back and a seductive bite of her lower lip.
I pulled off my T-shirt and pounced on her. She shrieked with giggles again as I dug my teeth into her neck. I grabbed her silk-covered ass in my hand and squeezed. As I brought my hand to the front of her shorts, she gripped it fast and pulled it away.
“Don’t,” she panted. “I’m very sore right now.” She buried her shy face in my chest.
My dick rose in response, and I straddled her to kiss her hard. We tumbled and rolled around in the kiss until she put a hand on my chest.
“I might be sore, but I know what I want.”
I sat up resting my back against the bed as I watched her fingers graze along my chest down to my hips before she wrapped them around my cock. Locking her eyes with mine, she dipped her head and swallowed me, this time allowing me to enjoy both the sight and the sensation of the act. A loud hiss emanated in my mouth as my stomach tumbled, and I reached out to grab her breasts. The lush tits replete with my markings nestled in my palms. Her tongue stilled as she paused to relish the touch of my skin on her nipples.
“No stopping, babe.” I held her head down with one hand and with the other, pinched her nipple tight between my fingers. “I’m in receiving mode.” With a loud groan, she clamped her mouth tighter around me.
“Yes, let me see you render me undone,” I egged her on and she gripped my cock harder with her mouth. Her enthusiastic tongue swirled with expertise, stoking up flames in every tender nerve-ending. At the sound of her lapping up my precum, I thrust upward and hit the back of her throat. Worried that I had hurt her, I pulled back immediately, but she opened her mouth wide and swallowed me like I had only dreamed of. Sona was sucking me dry with her sexy fucking mouth, a sharp bow marking her pout.
“Shit,” I groaned and tapped her shoulder.
I lingered at the threshold but just outside it and she knew it. She put her mouth to work one last time, harder, and then pulled out in one swift motion as I erupted on her hand.
“Fuuuuck!” I yelled without inhibition. I was a goner and I wanted her to know it.
An hour later, she lay in my arms with her eyes closed as I played with her hair. When I kissed her forehead, I watched a smile blossom on her face. “Are you going to drift off to sleep, naked in my arms?”
She let her lips graze against my cheek. “Mmm, I’ve had a long day. I’m drowsy drunk. Like when you’re so tired, it creates an intoxicated feeling in your brain?” Then she groaned and winced in pain.
“What’s the matter?” I asked.
She winced again before responding, “Nothing, just my feet. They hurt from walking in those stupid heels all day. I forgot to change into flats before going to the basilica like I had planned.” She flexed them up and down.
“Let me rub them. Maybe you’ll feel better.”
Her eyes flew wide open. “No!”
I frowned. “Why not?”
“Because that’s too…”
“Intimate. Tender. Completely inconsistent with what we are doing.”
“If what we’re doing isn’t the definition of intimate, I don’t know what is,” I argued.