“Mihir, that was so hot!” I heard her soft voice.

I threw her a quick glance and caught her fading smile, which instantly changed to a mischievous one.

She flipped to her side to face me. “You must thank Grant for me. This is the hardest I’ve come, and I mean it with all the glorious pun intended,” she teased.

“I’ll be sure to pass on your gratitude, but it doesn’t bode well for me if his was the first name that came to your mind after this.”

She giggled giddily. “Is he good-looking?”

I frowned. “You literally just finished fucking me. Are you looking for another playmate already?”

“Hey, I’m a busy single woman. I need to know where my next big orgasm is coming from. And judging by this room, I bet he knows how to give toe-curling ones.”

My heart pinched in a ridiculous way. Of course, she could fuck who she wanted. Why did it bother me that she was lusting after my best friend?

“Grant’s not your type,” I said only half-jokingly. Grant was a real bastard, but then, so was I.

“Oh yeah? What’s my type?”

“Someone who’d be content lying naked in your arms.” I stretched my arm for her, and she snuggled closer, her head resting on it.

“For a bit, at least,” she said with an uncomfortable laugh.

I knew exactly what she meant. My reputation definitely preceded me.

“Sameer was convinced you’d never make the first move,” I gloated.

“Yeah, I can be unpredictable that way,” she said. “But while on that subject, no one can know about this,” she added, looking up at my face.

“Well, I’m not one to shout it from the rooftops.”

“Thank you,” she said with every bit of sincerity. “Tara would judge me for sure if she knew. I’d never hear the end of it.”

“Wait,” I said, shifting on my pillow to look at her. “Are you ashamed?”

“What? No, I’m not ashamed,” she blurted a little too eagerly. Then, rather belatedly, cried, “Ashamed of what?”

“Sona, are you ashamed of having fucked me?” She didn’t answer. “Sona Thomas, I need an answer.”

She sighed. “No, I’m not ashamed of that.”

“I’m waiting,” I said.

“Ugh.” She resigned and moved away from my grip. “I’m ashamed I want it again. I want more.”

A grin appeared on my face of its own accord. “That’s nothing to be ashamed of. I think we can manage more—much more.” I winked.

“Stop it.” She hit my chest gently. “You know what I’m saying.”

“I really don’t,” I confessed. “Why is it wrong to want more?”

She sat up and ran a hand over her forehead. “Because when I came over, I was determined not to let myself be lured by this fire. Once and done, that’s what I had convinced myself.”

“What’s the way out, then?” I asked, intrigued by the conflict between her body and brain.

“If I knew, I wouldn’t be sitting here, spelling it out to you,” she grumbled.

“May I suggest one?”