Page 18 of The Love of Secrets

My hands tremble. “When he would get mad, he would say mean things, calling me stupid or a slut, constantly accusing me of flirting or wanting to be with other men. When I had Oliver, it got worse. He would grab me or hit me when he got angry.”

Bear jumps up and, at the same time, Oliver’s door swings open and bangs against the wall. Both men roar, “He fucking did what?”

My eyes bounce back and forth between these two men. “ only happened a few times. I got away when it started to get really bad.”

Mateo puts his hands on his hips and his voice drops really low. “Fuck, Pretty Girl, you love your secrets. You should’ve told me. I’m going to kill him.”

I jump up and quickly walk to Mateo. grabbing his arms frantically. “No, Mateo. He’s not worth it. I was going to tell you when the time was right. I’m here with you now. He’s not looking for me, right, Bear?” I ask, turning to my big brother.

My brother looks at both of us, assessing our stance and closeness. “No, he’s not. From what I heard, he’s using you leaving him as a reason to get sympathy from other women.”

“Disgusting,” Mateo spits out, and Bear nods in agreement.

Knowing that Michael is moving on, I’m able to relax a bit. Neither of these men look relaxed at all. In fact, they look so wound up I know it’s time to take charge of the situation before it gets out of hand. “Come on. Why don’t y’all sit down? I’ll grab Oliver and we can talk this out more.”

Making my way toward Oliver I move past them, grabbing him along with a few toys. Placing him on the living room floor setting him up with his toys. Turning on his favorite T.V. show, I get down to his level. “Mama is going to talk with Mateo and Uncle Bear. You stay here and play.”

“Otay, Mama.”

Once he’s settled, I make my way to the dining table to find that neither one of them listened to me. I sit myself down in a chair. “Bear and Mateo, sit now,” I curtly demand.

Now that my biggest secret is out, I guess it is time to face the fall out. Thankfully, both of them listen this time and sit, but neither of them is happy about it. Before anyone else says anything, Bear blurts out, “I’m going to stay for a while.”

I shake my head. “You don’t need to do that. You have a life back in Texas.”

“Bug, you don’t have a choice. Besides it’s time I get to know my nephew and spend time with my sister.”

I let out a breath as a wave of relief crashes over me. I was worried that he would be mad at me for leaving Texas without telling him, but I know I need to establish my boundaries with him now. Bear is the type of man who will take over everything if I let him. “Fine. But you won’t interfere in my life choices.”

“I’ll only interfere if I need to,” he teases, but I can tell he means it.

“You won’t need to interfere. She’s mine.” Mateo speaks with authority.

My brother turns on him with sharp eyes and his lips in a thin line. “What do you mean, she’s yours?”

“Exactly what I said, she’s mine. I’ll take care of her.”

“Well, considering how the last relationship went, I’m still going to stick around and make sure that everything goes smoothly for her.”

Mateo just shrugs his shoulders as if my brother being around means nothing. I swing my hands up in the air, raising my voice, “You know I’m right here. I can speak for myself.”

“We know,” they say in unison.

“Then stop talking about me like I’m not here.”

Mateo puts his hand over mine. “Sorry, Pretty Girl. I didn’t mean to imply that your voice doesn’t matter. I just wanted your brother here to know that I can help take care of you and Oliver.”

My body relaxes with his apology. He’s already so different from Michael. He would never have apologized to me, no matter the situation. “But I do think you need to pick up the self-defense classes at the gym,” Mateo continues on.

“No, I can’t really afford it and if Bear says he’s not looking for me, then what’s the point?”

“Even if he’s not looking for you, it’s always a good idea to know how to protect yourself. Besides, you don’t need to pay for them. I’ve got it. Perks of owning the gym,” he says as he gives me a wink.

“No, I can’t accept that.” I shake my head, refusing his offer.

Mateo’s grip tightens on mine and his voice drops. “You will accept it. I want to take care of you.”

“I agree with him,” Bear chimes in. You need to do it and if he’s offering, take it.”