A white box lights up next to her bedside table and I realize that’s where I hear the noise coming from. I don’t know much about kids, but I’m guessing this is the baby monitor. I extract myself carefully from the bed, trying really hard not to wake her up. The one thing I know about her is that she hasn’t had an easy life, and everything she has, she gives to that little boy.
I want to give her something even if it’s small like sleeping in this morning. I find my pants on the floor and put them on along with my shirt. Silently, I leave the bedroom and close the door. I make my way into the room across the hall and am greeted by the cutest sandy blonde haired little boy. “Hi, little man.”
“Up,” he commands as he thrusts his hands in the air, waiting for me to give him what he needs. I don’t make him wait long. I pick him up, tossing him slightly in the air, forcing a cute giggle from him. I place him on my hip and start to leave the room but Oliver has a different idea. “Gin. Gin.”
“Well, I can’t leave my fans wanting more, can I?” I ask him and toss him up a few more times.
I wait for his laughter to abate before asking, “Should we go get breakfast?”
“Eat.” Oliver nods excitedly.
I take both of us into the kitchen and place him on the counter next to the fridge. “You stay here, while I see what I can make us. Okay?”
Oliver nods his head. “Otay.”
With his assurance that he won’t move, I bend down and look to see what Cecilia has to make for breakfast. It’s not much, but she has eggs plus some cheese. Pulling the deli drawer open, I find bacon, getting an idea of what to make. I look over at the little guy and hope like hell he can eat eggs and bacon.
After whipping up breakfast and keeping Oliver entertained with his trucks, I set him up in his highchair, giving me a chance to brew the coffee. I’m standing in front of the coffee pot, willing it to brew faster, and let out a breath. Shit, taking care of kids is hard work. I’ve only been doing it for about an hour and I’m tired. I can’t believe Cecilia does this every day all day with no help. Another reason that she’s an amazing person. That kid’s father is such a douche for letting them slip through his fingers.
Dainty hands wrap around my chest as Cecilia’s brown hair tickles my side. I look down at her when she kisses my ribs, greeting me, “Morning.”
“Good morning, Pretty Girl.” I twist around so her amazing breasts are pressed against my chest. I bend down slightly and kiss her nose.
She pulls back and moves to sit down next to Oliver at the table, greeting him. “Good morning, baby boy. How’s breakfast?”
Oliver hums as he continues to eat his eggs. A laugh bursts from Cecilia as she watches him. Grabbing a napkin, she starts to wipe his face some and giggles, “I guess you like it.”
I slide a cup of coffee across the table for Cecilia. “I didn’t know how you take your coffee but saw you had creamer, so I added some.”
She takes a sip and then presses her lips together as she closes her eyes. “Mmm…that hits the spot.” Placing her cup down, she looks at me, narrowing her eyes. “You know you didn’t have to feed him. I could’ve gotten up.”
I shrug my shoulders. “It wasn’t a big deal. Besides, you needed to sleep in.”
She softens her eyes, but they seem to have lost some of the light that normally fills them. I don’t like that. “It is a big deal, Mateo. Thank you.” A tear tracks down her cheek.
Seeing her like this, the hope in her eyes dimming, I know I need to do something about it. I push off the counter and make my way toward her. I kneel down next to her and turn her chair so she’s facing me. Placing my hands on her face, I pull her to me as I rest my forehead against hers.
“Pretty Girl, you deserve it and much more. I will spend every day for the rest of my life showing you. From the moment I’ve met you, I’ve known that you were someone special.”
She sniffles and I kiss her nose as she closes her eyes. When she opens them again, they are filled with that light that bursts from Cecilia and it hits me square in the chest. I’ve known since I met her we were for the long haul, but now I know that I’m in love with this woman. I bite down on my cheek, making sure I don’t blurt out those words to her because she is skittish. And me declaring my love for her will give her every reason to run. I need her to have all the reasons to stay first.
Instead of screaming I love her from the rooftops, I just lean down and give her a quick chaste kiss when a knock sounds on the door.
Her body stiffens with the sound. I stand up and place my hand on her shoulder protectively. “Who do you think that could be?”
“I don’t know,” she whispers as she stands up from the table. “I’m not expecting anyone.” She takes a step toward the door, but I tighten my grip on her shoulder, forcing her to stop. If she isn’t expecting anyone, then I’m not going to let her open that door.
“No. Let me see who it is,” I demand.
The last thing I need is for her to come face to face with her ex and something happens. No, I need to make sure I’m always the barrier between her and anyone who could hurt her. Checking over my shoulder, I see that Cecilia is cleaning up Oliver. I take her being distracted as a go ahead and I swing open the door. A large dark-haired, bearded man is standing there in jeans, a fitted shirt, and a leather jacket. His brows pulled as if he’s confused. “Who the fuck are you?” he shouts.
My body stiffens at his question, and I throw it back at him. “Who the fuck are you?”
Cecilia comes running when she hears us yelling. She tries to swing around me but can’t because I’m blocking the way. “No.” I command as I move to block her.
Her arms wrap around me in a hug, and it allows her to sneak a look from under my arm. “Bear?” she questions.
“Bug! Who is this guy?”