“Yes,” she murmured. “And I’d say it’s a choice we are both making.”
Chapter 20
I didn’t know what would happen next.
The conversation we’d had had seemed significant to me, but still, we were new to each other’s lives. So, playing things by ear seemed to make the most sense.
Even families had to do normal things like take naps and vacuum and straighten up the playroom I’d just learned of the existence of today. Tonight was for fireworks in the village. A fitting family event for our debut as a couple with his son.
We absolutely were a couple now. Even without the assigned label. Family seemed like more than just dating, but if it was soon for us to be a couple, to be a family now was even sooner. But it felt good. Right. It didn’t feel unnerving in any way.
You’re just in the glow period. Right now, of course it feels good. Because everything is new and exciting.
Other people in the Cove had fallen quickly. Even in my very own family. Christian and Honey had made their baby without even benefit of a single date, for goodness sake. Honey had admitted that to me some time ago, accidentally in passing. And if she could, then well, it was possible for anyone since my brother wasn’t usually an impulsive man.
I was organizing the playroom shelves with all Owen’s new books and toys while he took a nap. I’d moved several of them into his for our bedtime reading. I looked forward to our little time together every night
The entire time we’d shopped today, we’d held hands along with holding Owen’s. Like a family might, if they got along well, in any case.
Maybe this wasn’t so weird, after all.
Before I could talk myself out of it, I placed a quick call to my soon-to-be sister-in-law, Honey. I already thought of her that way, but their wedding was still a couple of weeks away, so she wasn’t officially that yet.
She answered breathlessly as a baby cried in the background. “I’m calling at a bad time,” I said apologetically.
“No, no, it’s fine. I want to talk to you, Maddie.” She lowered her voice and then she seemed to go in another room because instantly, the sound of the crying baby disappeared. “Are you okay? I wanted to call you, but I’m sure you’re swamped with concerned family.”
Even without seeing her, I imagined her doing air quotes around concerned, so I couldn’t help laughing. “Um, yes. Definitely. Gotta say it’s odd for me because I’ve always been the good girl who never got in trouble. Now people seem to think I’ve gone rogue.”
“I hear that, sister. That was me last fall. And you know what? I do not regret the way a single thing happened. Yes, we moved quickly, but what else are you going to do when you know what you want? What sense does it make to take tiny steps when you’re ready for bigger ones?”
“Oh my God, thank you. You’re exactly who I needed to talk to, and I didn’t even realize how much. Oh, and you’re gorgeous just as you are, so stop worrying about baby weight.”
“Thanks.” She let out a baffled laugh. “Truthfully, I wish I’d had me to talk to last fall. I did not. So whatever you want to talk about I’m here. And I will not tell your brother, so you’re safe to tell all.”
“Thank you. Thank you. Oh, God, thank you.”
“I understand. Trust me. So you’re hot for this guy?”
“Yeah.” I glanced at the closed playroom door one more time. “He’s sexy as hell. And also good at the act itself and all the parts of it. That’s not easy to come by, I’m sure you know.”
“Um, yes, far too well. And I do know how a slow period in that department might cloud your vision a bit. People say good sex isn’t all that matters, but it matters a hell of a lot more than people who aren’t having it claim.”
I laughed. Hard. “Yes. As my best friend lives in your house, and I’m not going to make this weird for you, but yes. Just yes.”
“I love Rea like my own daughter, but I know she worries. Part and parcel of her future career, I think. She watches many murder documentaries and gory podcasts, so I think she fears danger is around every corner.” Honey released a long sigh. “Not even saying she’s wrong. One look at the news, and you know she’s not. But that also doesn’t mean that every man you meet is destined to chop you up. Even the hot, financially set ones with secluded homes. If it did, I’d currently be dead, because your brother’s home could not be any more secluded, and I did not know much about him before he brought me here the first time.”
“At least you’d known him from town for years. And he’s a cop.”
Honey made a sound of agreement. “That wouldn’t be enough with Rea, because she was watching a story called killer cop some months ago.”
I giggled. “Why am I not surprised?”
“Because you know her far too well. She’s very worried about you because she loves you so much. The ones who drive you craziest usually do. Doesn’t mean it’s any easier to take.”
“Yeah. I know. I love her right back. I’m so glad she came into my life, and I hate we lost so many years because of Christian’s situation with her mom.” I bit my lip as my eyes filled, thinking about Jude’s situation with his brothers. “Jude has more anchors in town than I even knew.”
“What do you mean?”