Page 67 of Taming the Boss

“You’re very much a sap.” I gave him another quick hug, “And I love it.”

“Honey is starting to freak out with the wedding in just a few weeks. Most of the planning is done now, and it’s just a matter of her fitting in her dress. As if she could look anything but stunning.” He rolled his eyes.

“Have you said that to her?”

“I tell her all the time how beautiful she is. But she keeps fretting about losing the last few pounds of baby weight…”

“I’ll talk to her.”

“Would you? I’d appreciate that.”

“Sure.” I could use some Honey time. As much as I loved Rea, Honey was a few years older and less focused on certain danger around every corner. And I definitely could use a different female perspective on the opposite sex.

Preferably one who wouldn’t blab to Christian, so I wasn’t certain Honey was the right choice. But I’d play it by ear.

“Also, have you finally RSVP’d?”

“As if I wouldn’t go. I just didn’t have a plus one and didn’t know how to answer on that score.”

My brother looked away, swallowing hard. “If you want to bring him, you can. We’ll just leave an extra space for you and you can do what feels right on that day.”

“Okay, thanks.”

Christian left a few minutes later and then my mom stopped by my room to ask if I needed money so I could pay back Jude for the car items he’d paid for. I told her he’d be taking the cost out of my pay, although I don’t know how convincing I was since I had no idea what that pay would end up being.

Or if it would end up being.

Maybe things had shifted when I’d slipped into his shower? I just had no idea.

Our conversation ended abruptly when Mr. Brooks called to ask if I could work a few hours because three of his part-timers had called in sick, and with the holiday tomorrow, he didn’t want to close if anyone needed any arrangements at the last minute.

Of course I said yes, though after I took a quick shower, I realized I couldn’t take Fergus with me when I was going to work a shift before I went back to Jude’s.

“Fergie, don’t worry, Mama won’t forget you again. Maybe I’ll come back tomorrow after fireworks and take you over to Jude’s then. How does that sound?” I kissed his nose where he was curled up on my bed, but then I recalled exactly how much Fergus did not like the loud noises that came with the annual holiday display.

Not to mention, Jude’s house was very close to the lake, which meant very close to the fireworks.

“On second thought, it’s probably better if you spend tomorrow night here with your family. But the next day, it’s on. Assuming Jude is cool with cats, and he better be, because cats are the best.” I rubbed Fergus under his chin, his favorite, and was immediately rewarded with his rumbling purrs and then even a belly rub, as he rolled on his back, paws up.

That was a truly rare, special treat.

While I was giving him some extra lovings to make up for being gone, I remembered that I was supposed to go with Jude and Owen to get his new sneakers. But I couldn’t let Alan down again. I’d been MIA for the better part of a week. I’d just work a few hours and then I’d go back to Jude’s.

Maybe we could take Owen for more sneakers tomorrow before the big fireworks shindig.

And I couldn’t call to let him know I’d be longer than I’d planned because we hadn’t exchanged numbers. We’d already had sex, but we didn’t even have each other’s numbers. Why was everything between us so backward?

It would only be a few hours. No big deal.

Chapter 17

She didn’t come back when I expected her to. Owen seemed sick again, but I had no number to contact her.

Why hadn’t I even ensured I had her contact information? I’d even checked her resume and somehow there was no phone number listed. But she had left her number on the reply to my ad, so if I needed to reach her, I could. But I didn’t want to seem…needy.

Although that was exactly how I fucking felt.

Caro had taken a half day today so I couldn’t even call on her to pinch hit if needed. Not that I should. I’d been relying on her for too much lately. Certainly more than what was in her job description.