His eyes narrowed, and I crossed my arms over my chest, not at all concerned if he chose to make inferences I was talking about other potentially small things. Even if I knew damn well no part of him was small due to his momentary lapse earlier when he’d basically rubbed up against me.
But still, I knew men had sensitive areas and that was always one.
“No problems there, trust me. My refrigerator is built to handle anything.”
“Of course. What’s your problem then? You should be well-rested after skipping out on our shopping.”
“I didn’t skip out on it. I got a work call,” he said tightly, turning on the wipers with a flick of his wrist.
“And here I thought the boss man like you wasn’t subject to work whims. Silly me. Aren’t you curious how I paid since you went off and stuck me with the bill?”
“Whatever you paid, I’ll cover. I talked to Dare too. Your car needs new brakes too besides the new tires.”
“Oh, dammit. How much? Does he do payment plans?” Then I glanced into the backseat and found Owen in a mumbled conversation with his new stuffed fish so I added in an undertone, “What are you going to pay me?”
“It’s covered,” he said as smoothly as if I’d never spoken. “Everything is covered. Anything I owe you for the bill is too.”
“That simple, huh? Just open wallet, toss out some cash.”
“You’ve helped me greatly. I can’t thank you enough.”
“Yeah, you should get started on that thanking, pal. Since you didn’t even last through half our shopping trip.”
I wasn’t hurt. Not at all.
It wasn’t as if I’d wanted to shop with him and pick out stuff that Owen could try. How foolish would that have been?
“I lasted just fine,” Jude snapped. “I had no problem shopping. The work thing was just unavoidable. You heard me get that call, right?”
Reluctantly, I nodded.
“Then Dare called to get the repairs approved before he started. I figured you’d need your car back soon so you could go to the florist when you need to.” He pulled out of the space and signaled to join the flow of traffic steadily heading out of the plaza. “Unless you’re going to quit and just stay with me. With us.”
I stared at the side of his head, watching his utter fixation on the road. He barely even seemed to blink. Which was why it took me a moment to fully hear what he’d just said.
“I must’ve misheard you,” I said finally. “Did you just say?—”
“You heard me quite well, I suspect. Just as you did the first time I suggested the same, though that time you just ignored me.”
“I didn’t ignore you,” I said quietly. “I just didn’t understand what you meant.”
“I’d like to hire you as my live-in nanny. Salary is open to negotiation. I presume you need your car to continue going to your little job at the florist. But if you’ve had a chance to reconsider, maybe you’ve realized staying with me would be all you need.” He looked at me, and the power in his gaze would’ve laid me out flat if I hadn’t already been sitting down. Then his focus dropped. “Put on your seatbelt, Madison.”
He didn’t add now but he might as well have. The weirdest thing was, I immediately complied. Not that I had anything against being safely belted in. Just when he used that particular tone of voice, it never would’ve occurred to me to think of denying him.
“Let’s just be clear here.” My own voice lowered to match his. Owen continued to babble to his stuffed fish in the backseat, seemingly paying no attention to us.
Probably good, since I suspected Jude wanted more from me than a simple exchange of work services for monetary compensation.
There was nothing simple about the subtext between us. I’d never experienced anything remotely like it before in my life, but I wasn’t shying away any longer. I was too curious, and frankly, too interested in him not to follow where he led.
“Yes, let’s.” He cocked a brow at me. “Or do you need clarity from me?”
“That would be fucking lovely.”
His lips quirked. “It would, wouldn’t it?” He cast a quick look at the rearview mirror and evidently, what he saw pleased him because he continued. “I want you to be available as needed to care for my son and to do whatever light household tasks you deem necessary.”