We needed to hustle on buying up other properties to make sure we could keep our passion project going.
“Is he locked in? Like no way we can outbid him?”
“I love when you play dirty, Jude. What did you have in mind?”
“I don’t know all the players in this town yet, but I do have a friend in Seattle who might want in on some real estate investments.”
“I don’t know…” Xavier hedged.
“Max isn’t interested in getting in our way. He just likes a diversified portfolio.”
Max Chapel was a tech genius in Seattle. We’d first met in prep school long ago, and he was one of my few close friends. Max had more money than he would ever be able to spend in five lifetimes.
“I’ll talk to Gavin. See what he thinks.”
“Good. Get back to me. I’ve got to run. My new…” I couldn’t quite say the word nanny. It felt like too small of a word for what Maddie was already becoming to me and Owen.
“Did you finally hire a nanny to help out?”
I tightened my fingers on the steering wheel. “In a manner of speaking.”
“Well, that’s delightfully vague, J. Besides, when are you going to invite us out to that castle of yours?”
“It’s not a fucking castle.”
“Whatever you say.”
“Castles have turrets. You have me confused with the Barrow house. Not my style.” I wasn’t into the gothic flavor of that property, let alone the headache of all the renovations it had needed.
I’d wanted something basically move-in ready, and that was what I had gotten.
X laughed. “I heard some artist bought that. I’m tempted to go over there and shake his hand. I’m pretty sure Maitland popped a blood vessel when another house on the lake got snapped up.”
“I’m shocked he didn’t buy it and bulldoze it,” I muttered.
“Originally belonged to a founding Cove resident. I’m pretty sure even Maitland couldn’t fight the town on demolishing a house from the 1800s.”
“Precisely why I didn’t want it. My house was ready to go, which was what I had in mind.” Even if I wasn’t done furnishing the house yet. Especially the kitchen. But I was determined to find a way to make the mansion a home.
Like you have any clue how?
At least I was certain what I didn’t want—a magazine-style showpiece like I’d grown up in was out of the question. What I wanted was a comfortable house full of laughter and maybe even love instead of arguments, hushed whispers, and awkward silences.
Another call came through the dash display. My phone was damn busy today.
“Hey, I have another call coming through. See what Gavin says and we’ll revisit this.”
“Will do.”
I punched the display to take the call. “Hello, Dare.”
“Hey, Jude. We looked over Maddie’s car and you were right to get her tires replaced. Two of them had damage on the inner walls. Wouldn’t have known it until we got under the car. While we were looking around, we saw some additional issues, as well.”
My mind wandered to Maitland yet again as Dare mentioned something about brake pads and shoes, but I tried to focus. “Whatever the car needs, just handle it. I need her in a safe car.”
“To take care of your boy?”
“Right.” Not that it was any of Dare Kramer’s business, but that was only one reason.