Page 24 of Taming the Boss

I tossed my hair back, wishing I’d put it up before heading out for my errands. I aimed a smile up at him. “Can you?”

“I can. Just wait here and I’ll go get my pump.” Somehow that phrase sounded far more salacious than it should have considering the content of his statement. He’d no sooner shifted to go back to his Jeep when the sound of nearby rolling tires took my attention. A car was pulling up to the curb behind Jensen’s vehicle.

A vintage Jag. Really? How was this my life?

I jumped to my feet and put my hands on my hips as Jude swung open his door and stepped out, his aviators in place to go with today’s dark suit and air of imperviousness. But the thick facial hair he’d had going the first day I’d met him was now trimmed into just a bit of scruff.

“Maddie?” His question held no warmth. “Everything okay here?”

“Everything is fine,” Jensen answered before I could, stepping down from his Jeep with his mini air pump in hand. “We have it all under control, don’t we, Maddie?”

“I believe I asked the lady, but thank you.” Jude’s eyes narrowed on my face, his gaze riveted strictly above the neck. He didn’t even seem to be aware of what I had on—as in clothes that put my slight curves on display. “Madison?”

I bit my lip to try not to shiver. It was far too hot out here for me to be getting a chill but something about the way Jude said my full name had my entire body springing to brutal awareness. Especially my traitorous nipples. Yet his gaze still didn’t waver from mine. “I’m fine,” I said quietly. “Jensen is an old friend, and my tire is just being annoying.”

His pitch dark eyebrows lifted. “Annoying how?”

“The warning light is on again. Last time, I was low on air.”

Jude pulled out his phone and was already calling…someone. “So, let’s get it into the shop, make sure all is as it should be.”

“Oh, that’s not necessary. Jensen has a pump.”

But Jude was already speaking authoritatively to someone. Taking charge as if this was his situation to handle.

As if I was.

I shouldn’t find his sense of command hot. I knew I shouldn’t. In fact, I should remind him of his lack of appropriate response to my application and tell him to mind his own business.

How much would it cost for me to come home with them was not an appropriate response.

Yet I stood there with taut nipples and trembling thighs while fighting my impulses on how to deal with these two men.

I’d been pleased to see Jensen. Until Jude had arrived. Then it had instantly become Jensen who?

Not even a moment later, Jude clicked off. “Dare’s on his way. He’ll take care of it.” His attention snapped to Jensen and the air pump in his hand. “She doesn’t need your help now, but thanks.”

Well, I supposed that meant at least he’d taken my advice about where to get his rearview light replaced. That was something, I supposed.

Jensen didn’t react, other than his back snapping to attention. I expected him to tell off Jude but he just angled his head and spoke in a soft voice. “What do you need, Maddie?”

Imagine that. Someone asked what I needed and actually waited to hear the answer instead of pissing on the nearest fire hydrant as if I was property meant to tussle over.

Jude also hadn’t liked it when James had wanted me to call him after we went to the shoe store, I recalled. Not that I had called him or had any intention to.

“My tire needs air. It may have a slow leak, and I may need to take it in to Dare’s, but I’ll decide that after we try adding air once more.” I cut my gaze to Jude, who was silently glowering. “Can you contact him and tell him he doesn’t need to come? That I’ll bring my car in if necessary?”

“Why don’t you just turn it over to him and let him do what needs to be done?” Jude’s tone was entirely too reasonable. As if I was being not.

“Oh, hmm, why don’t I pay for service I may not need? Because, obviously, I have an endless amount of cash for needless repair bills, right?” Annoyed, I resisted kicking my tire, but it was a close thing.

“I called him, I’ll pay.” Jude crossed his arms over his chest. “You need a reliable vehicle to get to work.”

“No kidding, Sherlock.” Narrowing my eyes as Jensen spun on his heel to head back to his Jeep, I braced my hands on my hips. “Where are you going?”

“Home. You two can figure this out amongst yourselves. Good luck, Maddie.” He gave Jude a sharp look before he climbed into his vehicle and swerved away from the curb, barely remembering to even signal. He definitely wasted no time in leaving.

I couldn’t even say I completely blamed him.