“You met him the very first day I did!”
“Even so,” my brother said evenly, “I don’t feel like I know him in any kind of way. Reagan’s worried about you.”
I let out a gusty sigh. “Tell me something I don’t know.”
“I’m going to drive over there and let him know I have my eye on him.”
“Oh, God, please do not. Do not embarrass me like that, Christian.”
“Then don’t go back there until I have time to get a read on him.”
“And how exactly are you going to do that? Nope, never mind, don’t want to know. I’m packing my bags with some clothes and necessities and I’m out of here. Oh, and Fergus is coming with me.” I stomped up the stairs before they had time to lock me in the basement.
The basement we didn’t even have, unless they’d used my time away to whip up a dungeon I could be chained in for my own good.
I rushed into my bedroom and deposited my cat on my bed before I yanked out my duffel bag and began tossing clothes inside. I didn’t even make sure the stuff went together. I just wanted options, fast.
Then I dug through my vanity drawers for some makeup. I came across the ancient pack of condoms I’d had forever, and I stopped to consider. I wasn’t even sure they were still good, but I tossed them in my duffel just the same. Not that Jude would probably even want to use them. I could always insist on it, and otherwise, I would not touch him.
Much as I hated that idea.
I still didn’t get why he hadn’t insisted on them. He already had a three-year-old kid he hadn’t anticipated. Did he want another?
No, that didn’t make any sense. He just must’ve been really into the moment. As I had been too, obviously, telling him to come inside me. But I’d merely meant it in the sexy way, not the hey, fill me with your sperm so I get knocked up way.
I rubbed my achy forehead as a knock sounded on my doorjamb. “Come in,” I said tiredly, only realizing what my brother was looking at in my bag when I saw where the damn condoms had landed.
Right on top.
“Maddie,” Christian began as I rushed to zip up my bag. First, I had to remove Fergus from where he’d curled up, prepared to snooze his worries away. “I already saw them. What’s going on with you?”
“It’s good to be safe.” I swallowed hard and hoped he didn’t press me on that point since I so had not been.
“Acknowledged, but you don’t even know this man. He’s a good bit older than you too.”
“Just saying. He’s at a different level of life experience.”
“Did you think about that when you got with Honey?”
When his jaw tightened, I held up a hand. “Sorry. Low blow.”
“It was something that concerned me, yes.” He huffed out a breath as he sat on the edge of my bed and scratched the back of Fergus’s head. “You’re so level-headed. If something is up with you, just let me know, and I’ll do whatever I can to help you.”
Frustrated tears popped into my eyes and I tipped back my head until I could blink them away. I was just overtired and overstimulated and not sure what the hell I was doing. But I was doing what felt right.
“I like being with them, Jude and his son. I don’t really know them, but I like spending time with them. And I was gone for so long because I took some time to think. Is that so awful?”
“No, of course not. You know I understand. Just go slow, okay? Don’t be rushed into anything. Or if you get weird feelings, just come home. We’re always here for you.”
I smiled and gave him a quick hug. “You’ll always be my favorite big brother.”
“Pretty sure that’s a lie, but I’ll accept it.” He rose from my bed and brushed a hand over my braid. “Maybe while you’re here, you can give Rea a call so she doesn’t worry herself to death.”
“I will. Is she going with you guys to the fireworks tomorrow? I’m assuming you’re taking the fam.”
“Yeah. We’re bringing Jacob. Not sure he’ll be into all the noise and excitement, but it’s our first holiday as four. Also, the last one before the wedding.”