“I’m going to cook something for you.” Tyler grabbed my hand. “Do you like omelets?”

“Sure.” I nodded at him as we walked back down the corridor. Then I heard the door close behind us. I turned around quickly, but there was no one there. Tyler didn’t seem to notice, but I couldn’t stop the beating of my heart or the voice in my head that told me to go back into the room. “Hold on one second, I forgot to flush the toilet.” I said softly and ran back to the room and looked around. I heard the water running from the toilet bowl and ran into the bathroom quickly. There was no one there and I looked around frantically to see if I’d missed anything. It was then that I saw the photo taped to the back of the door. I pulled it off of the back of the door and gasped as I stared at an image of Hailey and I sitting at a coffee shop. It had to have been taken at least a couple of weeks before. Who had put the photo in the room? And who had taken it? It seemed to me that there was a lot more going on here. Maybe Eugenie wasn’t crazy after all, maybe Grant really had been focused on me before he met me that night. And maybe Tyler really did know secrets about me? What could he know? He couldn’t know everything, could he? I felt my face heating up as I walked back through the bedroom. This changed everything. There was only one secret I wanted to keep hidden. There was only one thing I’d ever done in my life that was bad. They couldn’t possibly know what I’d done though? Could they? I walked out of the room with bells ringing in my ears.

“Everything okay, Evie?” Tyler waited at the end of the hallway for me, with a worried expression and I nodded, my eyes focusing on his handsome face, his blond hair seeming to glow like the sun.

“Everything okay, Sleeping Beauty?” Grant’s voice came from the other end of the hallway and I turned around to face him, his face dark and devilish as he stared at me. I gazed into his blue eyes and I shivered at his expression. All of a sudden, I understood his comment. He knew. He knew what I’d done. He was the Cain. He was the bad one. Only he was a lot worse than I’d thought.

“I’m fine.” I nodded, my face white as a ghost.

“Good.” He said softly. “I’d hate for anything to happen while you’re staying with us.” He walked towards me. “I’d hate for you to make any wrong decisions. I’d absolutely hate it.”

“What are you doing?” I whispered as he grabbed my wrist.

“Think carefully about who you choose, Evie.” He kissed my cheek and then whispered in my ear. “You don’t want to end up like Eugenie. Alive, but dead inside.”

“You know?” My eyes widened and he laughed.

“There’s only one wolf running this house, Evie.” He stepped back as Tyler walked towards us. I could hear the anger in his quick steps as he thundered towards us. “Tyler.” He said softly, taking another step back. “Come to save the Princess?” He laughed and looked at me, with deadly eyes. “I told you, Evie, there are no fairytale endings here.”

“You lost, Grant.” I said loudly and firmly. “Leave me alone. I don’t want you.”

“Have you ever had two men before, Evie?” He licked his lips. “You might find you quite like it.”

“That’s enough.” Tyler’s voice was cold.

“It’ll never be enough.” Grant shook his head and turned away. “Until tonight, you two. Enjoy yourselves until tonight.” And then he walked away.

“Why is he still here?” I turned to Tyler. “Why do we have to do this whole thing tonight?”

“You wouldn’t understand.” Tyler said softly and grabbed my hands. “This is the only way I can protect you, Evie. You must play this game through with me. It’s the only way.”

“It’s the only way we can win?” I asked softly, searching his face. He stared at me for a few seconds and answered softly. “It’s just the only way.” He said and then led me to the kitchen.

Chapter Four

“Evie, did you know that there are two things that I absolutely love about you?” Tyler sat in his big red leather chair and stared at me.

“No.” I shook my head and looked around the sparse room. Asides from the chair, the room was vacant. We’d eaten in silence and then Tyler had brought me to this room. I had no idea why and I wasn’t sure I wanted to know either.

“I love that you’re open with your sexuality.” He grinned. “And I love that you’re fearless.”

“I’m neither of those things.” I shook my head and looked down.

“You’re not the first girl that’s been here.” He frowned. “You know that right?”

“I could have guessed.” I rolled my eyes. “You and Grant have been intimating that for a long time.”

“You’re the only one that’s not playing the game though.” He smiled and co**cked his head back.

“What is this game that you both keep talking about?” I walked towards him.

“Stop.” He held his hand up. “Don’t move until I say you can move.”

“Okay.” I stood there awkwardly.

“I don’t want you to sleep with Grant again.”

“I wasn’t planning on it.”

“He won’t accept you turning him down.” He stood up. “He has plans for you.”

“Who’s in charge here?” My voice rose. “You or him?”

“Excuse me?” His eyes narrowed at the sharpness in my tone.

“What does Grant want? What normally happens next in these games that you play?”

“Next?” He shrugged. “Do you really want to know?”


“We fuck ‘em. And leave ‘em.”

“Leave ‘em where?” I swallowed hard. Was he admitting that they did something bad to the women they picked up? And when he said, we fuck ‘em, did he really mean that they both fucked them? Hadn’t Eugenie said that Tyler had never slept with anyone, but me?

“We take them back to town.”

“I want to go back to town now.” I stood straight as he stood up and walked towards me, his eyes never leaving mine.

“But I’m not done with you.” He reached over and grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards him.

“I don’t want to be here anymore Tyler, I don’t want to play this game.” I shook my head. “Please let me go.” Especially not if Grant knew my secret. It was something I’d been running from my whole life. I was so ashamed of myself and now, knowing that he knew, well it made me feel cheap. I no longer felt like the girl experimenting. I felt like the cheap slut that had been exposed to the world.

“I can’t.” He shook his head.

“Why not?” I bit my lower lip.

“You’re the first one I’ve ever cared about.” He said softly as he stopped in front of me. “You’re the first one I’ve wanted to touch more than once.”

“Yet, you want me to have a threesome with you and Grant.” I shook my head.

“If he touches you again, I’ll kill him.” He smiled, but his eyes were still dark.

“Why do you both play these games?” I held my breath as he touched my neck and ran his fingers down the valley in-between my brea**sts.

“Because we can’t help ourselves.” He groaned and pulled away from me. “Let’s go out.”