Page 58 of Dust to Dust

“You too.”

When I hung up, I couldn’t stop smiling. I drove the entire way to MIT with a goofy grin on my face.

After a packed day, I headed into the club. To my surprise, a veritable feast was set up in the main dressing room. Dancers stood around filling their plates with lasagna and ziti and salad. As I headed to get changed, a hand tapped my shoulder.

When I whirled around, Caterina stood smiling at me. “I’m so glad you were on tonight.”

As I returned her smile, I replied, “It’s good seeing you again.”

Motioning around, Caterina said, “What do you think?”

I gasped. “You did all this?”

She nodded enthusiastically. “It’s my first order of business as a club mom.”

“Well, you knocked it out of the park.”

“Thanks.” Nudging me, she said, “Go get a plate.”


As I spooned up the lasagna, Caterina appeared the proud club mom as she talked with some of the other girls. At the first bite, I couldn’t help moaning. She was an amazing cook. Before I knew it, I’d devoured the lasagna and salad. Although I was tempted to go back for more, I thought I better wait until I got through my first set. I didn’t want to spin upside down and lose my dinner.

When Caterina approached me with a teeming plate, I shook my head wildly. “It was delicious, but I’m positively stuffed.”

She grinned. “I thought you might like to take a plate to Quinn.”

My gaze spun around us to see if anyone else had heard her. “You’re devious.”

With a laugh, she replied, “I know.”

I threw a glance at the clock over the dressing room door. “I think I have enough time. Just let me throw my costume on.”

As Caterina nodded, I rushed into the changing room. I usually came into the club with my hair and makeup done since Brooke always indulged me. Of course, I usually wore a wig to hide my identity. Some nights I wore pink, some nights purple. I had brown and black ones as well. Tonight Brooke had given me a cherry red one.

When I came out, I found Caterina waiting. She winked at me when she handed it over. I playfully rolled my eyes before taking the back stairs up to Quinn’s office.

After I knocked on the door, Quinn called, “What?”

I cracked open the door and poked my head inside. He was alone at his desk. “I see the beast is in. When will Quinn be available?” I teased.

“Get in here,” he growled.

Heat shot straight between my legs at his command. “Can’t you at least say please?”

His hungry gaze swept down my body. “Please, Isla.”

“Was that so hard?” I asked as I walked across the marble floor.

“When I’m in a hell of a mood, it is.”

“Maybe you just need a good meal.” I sat the plate down in front of him. “Caterina wanted me to bring this to you.”

“Aye, she started her club mother thing tonight, didn’t she?”

“She did.”

“How’s it going?”