Page 163 of Dust to Dust

The priest then pronounced us man and wife, and it was time to kiss the bride. I cupped Isla’s face in my hands. Since we were in church and I knew Mam would have a coronary if I was disrespectful, I bestowed a tender kiss on her lips. “I love you,” I pronounced.

“I love you, too.”

“Let’s go to our happily ever after, Mrs. Kavanaugh.”

She grinned. “I agree, Mr. Kavanaugh.”

Our wedding feast consisted of the cottage pie Mam had made along with a cake she had delivered. Isla and I managed not to smash it in each other’s faces. When we finished eating, we toasted each other with glasses of a vintage champagne from the wine cellar.

Although it was only seven, Isla couldn’t stop yawning. “It must be the jet lag,” I remarked.

She flushed. “It’s been a stressful couple of days.”

Stretching my hands over my head, I said, “I should probably get my wife to bed so she can rest.”

Eamon snorted. “Yeah, right.”

I smacked him playfully on the back of the head. Isla rose out of her chair. When I started to follow, she shook her head. “Stay and visit with your family. I’m just going to go up and take a nice relaxing bath.”

Inwardly, I groaned. This woman would be the death of me.

When she started out of the dining room, she threw a teasing smile at me. To keep my mind off Isla being wet and naked, I turned to Mam. “Has Maeve mentioned seeing anyone?”

Her brows popped. “Like a man?”


She shook her head. “She hasn’t said a thing. Why do you ask?”

I shrugged. “She was talking to someone when I met up with her. She looked giddy like women do when they’re in love.” For the moment, I thought it best to leave out the part about Rafe being her “secret lover”.

“Would it be such a bad thing if she’s in love?”

If it was with Caterina’s brother whose impending engagement was soon to be announced, then yes, it was. Sure, it was an arranged marriage, so it wasn’t like he was cheating. From what Callum had said, he hadn’t even met the girl, and she studying abroad in Italy.

Regardless, I would not sit back and let my sister be used. Not after everything she’d been through.

“I just don’t want her to get hurt.”

“She’s stronger than you think.”

I chuckled at the thought of Maeve taking Mikita out between the eyes. “Aye, she is.”

Mam rose from her chair. “Eamon, with Quinn and Isla staying with us, I need to get more groceries. Be a dear and drive me.”

“Why can’t you just get your bodyguard to take you or order in?”

She gave him a knowing look. “Because I want my son to take me, and you know I like to do my own shopping.”

He rolled his eyes. “You just want us to get out of the house, so Quinn and Isla can consummate their marriage in peace.”

I threw my head back with a laugh. “Considering how vast this house is, I’m not worried about our privacy.”

Mam waved at Eamon. “Come on. Let’s go.”

As the two of them started out of the dining room, Mam turned back to me and winked. “Have at it then.”

Chapter Forty: Isla