Maeve’s porcelain cheeks flushed. “None of your business.”
“So it was a man?”
She jerked her chin defiantly at me. “I asked you a question first.”
“Does this man know who you are?”
“We’re not talking about me. It’s you who mysteriously appeared, saying you hurt people when you don’t mean to.” Lowering her voice, she added, “Since we both know hurting people is part of your job, I’m to assume that it means you’ve hurt a certain woman you care about very much.”
“You’re too smart for your own good, Mae.” With a grin, I held open the pub’s door. After we swept inside, we took a seat at a booth in a far corner. After a waitress came and took our order, Maeve crossed her arms over her chest.
“Out with it.”
“I’m in love with Isla.”
Maeve’s face lit up. “Oh Quinnie, that’s wonderful.”
“She left me.”
“No!” Maeve exclaimed.
I nodded. “But she had a very good reason.”
“There could never be a good reason to hurt you.”
“No one can fault the lass considering she was kidnapped and psychologically tortured because of me and my world.”
Maeve gasped. The waitress returned with our drinks. After sucking down half of my pint, I began to tell Maeve what had happened with Isla and Mikita. When I finished, tears glittered in her green eyes.
She reached out to grab my hand in hers. “There aren't enough words to express how sorry I am. For you and for Isla.”
“I want to leave the clan.”
Maeve’s green eyes shot wide. “But you can’t. You took an oath.”
“Aye, but oaths can be broken.”
“Not without bloodshed.” She shuddered. “Not without death.”
“I don’t have anything left, Mae. I loved Rian like a brother, and this world took him from me. Then I truly gave my heart to a woman for the first time, and this world takes her as well.” I slowly shook my head. “I don’t know if I can take all this pain, Mae.”
She squeezed my hand. “Our family needs you. I need you.”
I exhaled a ragged breath. “How do you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Find the will to get up in the morning. Resist the urge to just end it all.”
Maeve’s expression grew grave. “Because then they would win. In my case, it doesn’t matter that Father and Oisinn are dead. By giving up, they’ve won, and I will never, ever allow that as long as I have a breath within me.” Jerking her chin up, she added, “I’ll survive and I’ll thrive out of pure spite.”
“That’s talking like a true Kavanaugh.”
“Thank you, brother.”
“Gah, you’re so fucking strong, Mae.”
“Most days, I don’t feel that way. I wonder if I’ll ever not wake up screaming because of that night. If I’ll truly ever be able to give myself to a man without seeing Oisinn’s face or feeling his hands on me.”