“It’s sort of an odd name. Let me look at it again.” I heard the click clack of a keyboard in the background. “Cliodna Enterprises.”
My heart did a dizzying flip-flop at the name Cliodna. It was from Quinn.
I cleared my throat. “Yes, I know that business. It belongs to my ex.”
“So you were expecting this payment?”
How in my right mind could I be expecting a million dollars? I hadn’t expected any money from him, least of all that much. I’d never wanted any of his money–only him.
“Yes, well, I mean, I knew a deposit was coming. Just not that much.”
“Oh, good. Have a nice day then.”
“You, too.” I ended the call and turned to Brooke.
She stared wide-eyed at me. “Quinn sent you a million dollars?”
“Holy shit!”
“My sentiments exactly.”
“So much for him being an asshole,” she mused.
“Just because he sent me a lot of money doesn’t take away from what he did about my job.” At Brooke’s gasp, I questioned, “What?”
“He wasn’t being an asshole with the job thing.”
“Excuse me?” I demanded.
“Don’t you get it? He didn’t want you to risk getting hurt again. That’s why he sent the letters for no one to hire you.”
“But he knew I’d still need the money,” I murmured.
“Exactly. So he made sure you would be taken care of without having to take your clothes off.”
My heart clenched in my chest. At that moment, I wished his motives had been vindictive to me. I couldn’t take the thoughts of him still looking out for me. But there was also the matter of the money. How could he honestly think I would accept a million dollars? “Why does he have to be so damn infuriating?”
“I don’t see a problem with this situation at all.”
Turning to her, I asked, “How can I accept it?”
“How can you not?” Brooke countered back.
With a groan, I placed my head in my hands. “I’d be morally and ethically bankrupt if I did.”
“Says the chick who just tried to be a stripper. Again.”
I jerked my head up to stare incredulous at Brooke. “Now is not a time for jokes.”
She grinned. “If there was ever a time for jokes, it’s now.”
“Come on now. This is serious.”
“Only because your stubborn ass is making it.”
“You know how I felt when he was going to pay me for not doing lap dances. This is the same thing.”