Page 140 of Dust to Dust

“What do you mean?”

“She was so upset she had to be sedated.”

A rueful smile curved on her lips. “And this is what comes when we rely on you.”

“Isla, I’m sorry. Caterina hasn’t left her side. I promise she’s in good hands.”

“My sister was hurt because of me. But what happens when Brooke and Henry become pawns in your world because of me? Brooke could be trafficked to the highest bidder by your enemies, or Henry’s decapitated head could be sent to our house in a box over something as trivial as a territory dispute.” Her head shook violently back and forth. “As much as you profess you can protect us, you can’t.”

Agony spread through my chest. As much as I wanted to argue with her, I knew it was pointless because she was right. I couldn’t protect her. Regardless of how hard I tried, there would always be the potential she could be hurt or Brooke or Henry.

“Please, don’t do this. Don’t leave me.”

“If I stay with you, I could die. Even worse than that, my child could be tortured and killed all because of who their father is.”

“I know I can’t promise you nothing will happen, but I love you, and I can’t bear the thought of living without you. You’re my soulmate, Isla.”

“Stop it. Just get out! Get out! Get out!” she screamed. Her body then collapsed into sobs.

A nurse came running into the room. She gave me a disapproving look. “I think it’s best that you leave.”

I didn’t argue with her. When I turned to go, I realized my feet wouldn’t move. It was like my body was so drawn to Isla it couldn’t bring itself to abandon her.

Like a zombie, I ambled through the mechanized doors back into the ER’s waiting room. Callum appeared before me, his expression ashen. “How is she?”

“Emotionally shattered.”

His eyes closed in pain. “Fuck, Quinn. I’m so sorry.” His hand squeezed my shoulder. “Whatever she needs, I’ll take care of it. You just take care of her.”

I slid my hand over my face. “She doesn’t want me.”


“She threw me out of her room.”

Callum’s eyes bulged, but then he shook his head. “She doesn’t mean it.”

“I’m pretty sure she does.”

“Quinn, she’s been through hell. She needs time to recover.”

“She doesn’t want me because of the danger I pose to her family.” I exhaled raggedly. “So, she told me to leave.”

“Jaysus,” Callum muttered.

I stared down at the tiled floor. Although I couldn’t believe I was going to say it, the words flowed easily off my tongue. “I’m out.”


I jerked my head up to glare at him. “You’re not fucking deaf—you heard me.”

“Maybe I needed you to repeat it.”

“I said I’m out.”

As the color drained from his face, Callum held up a finger. “Not fucking here.” Turning around, he jerked his head at Dare, Kellan, and Seamus. Without a word, they rose out of their chairs to join him in the hallway. “Chapel,” Callum said.

They fell into step behind us as we made our way down the hall. After an elevator trip two floors up, we passed the ICU cubicles to a small room. We’d spent a ridiculous amount of time there after Caterina’s attack. Now we reconvened there after yet another woman had suffered on our watch.