Page 126 of Dust to Dust

“Tell me why you didn’t put a stop to it?” Kellan demanded.

Instead of replying to KelIan, I glanced past him to stare at Isla. “Because I was a jealous prick. The last woman I cared about played me for a fool, and I thought you were playing, too. My own self-loathing made it impossible not to believe the bullshit Callum was saying.” After jerking a hand through my hair, I sighed. “But I was wrong not to believe you, and I was so fucking wrong to ever let Callum question you. There won’t be a single day I live that I don’t regret every single thing that happened to you in this office.”

My gaze flicked back to Kellan. “I wish I could be like you, brother. I wish I could wear my heart on my sleeve and give love so freely. Maybe if I could, I wouldn’t have lost the woman I love.”

With that, I stalked past the others and out the office door. As I started down the hallway, Isla called to me. “Quinn, don’t go!”

When I turned around, I shook my head at her. “Stay away from me, Isla. I’m no good for you. That’s very apparent.”

Isla slowly walked up to me. “Don’t you dare run away from me.”

“It’s the best thing for both of us.”

“No, it isn’t. We need to talk.”

“What else is there to say? I failed you in every way possible today.”

“That isn’t true. You were going to fight Callum to protect me.”

“It was too little, too late.” I clenched my jaw. “How can you say that to me after what I did to you?”

“While I can’t say I’m not incredibly hurt and angry, I do understand why you did it.”

“It sure as hell doesn’t make it right.”

Isla shook her head. “I’m to blame as well.”

“How can you possibly say that?”

“I should’ve told you what was happening. When Kellan asked me to keep it a secret, I didn’t want to do it. I didn’t want to do anything behind your back, especially after you asked me the night of the gala to never be alone with your brothers.”

“Your intentions were honorable. You were just trying to help him.”

“But in the process, I ended up hurting the man I love.”

I sucked in a breath at her words. “You love me?”

A smile played on her lips. “Yes, Quinn Kavanaugh, I love you. One major fuck up isn’t enough to drive me away.”

With a shake of my head, I argued, “We’ve only known each other two months.”

“Is there a time frame for falling in love?”

I scowled at her. “No, but it’s too soon.”

She laughed. “It is not.”

“You need more time.”

“Excuse me?”

“I’m not someone who is easy to love, so you need more time to figure it out.”

Isla’s blue eyes darkened. “Don’t tell me what I need or feel, caveman.”

“You can’t love me,” I countered.

“Too bad. I do.”