I threw back my head with a laugh. “Smart, very smart.”
She opened the box and then slid it under my nose. At the mouth-watering smell, I closed my eyes. “I’m going to owe you many orgasms for this.”
“Somehow I think that’s a gift for you as much as it is for me.”
“True.” As I grabbed a piece, I asked, “How did you know Regina’s was my favorite?”
“The same birdy told me as well that you love the sausage and peppers pizza .”
“I’m going to owe Caterina for this,” I mused.
“As long as you don’t pay her in orgasms like you are me,” Isla teased.
“I’m pretty sure Callum would cut off my cock if I even remotely look at Caterina sexually.”
“You know, it’s kind of sad that we’ve been together for a month, and I don’t even know what kind of pizza you like,” Isla pouted.
“You know a lot about me,” I scoffed.
“Such as?”
“You know I love eating your pussy and giving you orgasms.”
Isla stomped her foot. “I’m serious, Quinn.”
I laughed. “You’re ridiculously adorable when you’re mad.”
“I’d like to strangle you right now.”
“I’m not sure I’m into erotic asphyxiation.”
Just when I thought she was going to explode, I reached over to kiss her. “I’m sorry for teasing you. I’m thinking right now would be a good time to give you my anniversary gift.”
Isla gasped. “You remembered?”
With a sheepish smile, I replied, “While I’d like to take credit, it was Caterina who mentioned it to me a few days ago. She thought I should be prepared.”
Isla grinned. “Why am I not surprised?”
“You know this beast is a work in progress.”
“I appreciate you trying to be a better man for me.”
“Would you still feel that way if I hadn’t gotten you a gift?” I teasingly asked.
Her eyes popped wide. “I’m not lying. I figured I was the only one who had paid attention to the date.”
“Would you like me to get your present now?”
“It’s here?” At my nod, she did a giddy clap of her hands. “Yes, get it!”
Until it arrived this morning, I was sweating bullets that it would make it on time. I didn’t think flashing her a picture would have the same effect as giving it to her in person. After retrieving the box from the storeroom, I came back out to the main room.
Before I could make it over to Isla, she rushed to my side. You would’ve thought she was a kid on Christmas morning with her enthusiasm. With much more strength than I imagined her having, she tore open the shipping box. She then pulled the wooden crate out of the box.