Once we were alone, I shed my suit jacket, and threw it on the back of the couch. After flopping down on the cushions, I widened my legs in the usual stance. When I glanced up, Isla stood frozen.
“All right. Lose the top and let’s get on with this.”
“I-I can’t,” she murmured.
I cursed myself for not making a bet with Callum on how far in the dance she’d actually get. I shouldn’t have been surprised that she wouldn’t even get on my lap. She probably couldn’t bring herself to sully her pure body with the likes of me.
Anger flooded me at her judgment. I’m sure if it had been Dare or Callum she would’ve happily crawled up into their laps.
With a growl, I shot out of my seat. “Thanks for not only wasting my time, but yours.”
Just as I started past her, she grabbed my hand, her fingertips sliding along the patch of scars. The touch of her skin sent electricity pricking from my fingertips all the way up my arm, causing me to shudder. Normally whenever someone touched me I felt nothing but a volatile mixture of shame and anger.
But not with Isla.
Unable to process the emotions swirling within me, I flung her hand away. Glowering down at her, I snarled, “Don’t touch me!”
After cowering back, an apologetic look appeared on her face. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I needed to get your attention.”
I shook my head at her. “We’re done here.”
“Please. Just let me have another chance. I’m nervous, that’s all.”
“Ms. Vaughn, there’s a reason we have practice runs at private dancing under the guise of auditions. There’s also a reason why I’m used to make or break girls. Regardless of how good you are at the pole or at dancing, it comes down to whether or not you can get a guy off. You balked at even trying, so you failed.”
When she winced, the slightest sliver of regret filled me. Normally, I didn’t give two shits if I hurt the dancers’ feelings. But I didn’t like that I had insulted her. I sure as hell didn’t like that I cared about hurting her.
“I know that. But once I get through my first one, I know I can do it. I’m a very fast learner when it comes to mastering concepts.”
The former regret I’d felt vanished to be replaced by irritation. “I’ve heard that excuse a thousand fucking times.”
“Please, I really need this job.”
“Just like I’ve heard that one as many times as well.”
“It’s the truth. I lost my grad school scholarship.”
Sneering, I replied, “Partying too much at the frat house?”
She winced. “No, I lost my parents two years ago in a car accident.”
You’re a real fucking bastard, you know that? But I didn’t give in to my feelings of regret. Instead, I cranked up my cruelty. Anything to get rid of her and what she awakened within me.
“We all have trauma, Ms. Vaughn.”
“I know. I swear I’m not asking for any favors. I mean, I am asking a favor for a second chance. It’s not just about me. I’m in charge of my younger sister now. Well, since she’s turned eighteen, I guess she’s in charge of herself, but trust me, she desperately needs a motherly figure, even though she’s a mother herself.”
As I blinked at her, Isla sucked in a breath and then just kept running her fucking mouth. “Although she was the perfect student and athlete, her grief at my parents’ death led her to accidentally procreate with the most worthless jackass of a sperm donor. He wants nothing to do with the child, nor does he help financially. I’ve tried to get Brooke to take him to court, but she won’t. Don’t get me wrong, her son, Henry, is the most amazing four-month-old in the world. But being a teen mom isn’t what I would want for my baby sister, you know? And then–”
“Do you ever just shut the fuck up?” I demanded.
With crimson dotting her cheeks, she tucked her head to her chest. “I’m sorry. I’m the worst rambler when I get nervous. Like I seriously can’t make it stop. I used to get in so much trouble in school because of it. I would be nervous about a test, and then all the sudden I would be popping off–”
When she met my exasperated gaze, she pinched her lips shut. “I’m done.”
I waited for a few moments to see if she was telling the truth. When she didn’t respond, I said, “It’s only out of morbid curiosity that I’ve not thrown you out. Although I don’t want you going on another verbal rampage, I would like to know how the hell do you expect to be a dancer if you can’t perform a lap dance?”
She shook her head wildly back and forth. “No, it’s not that I can’t. It’s just…” She nibbled on her lip. “I don’t know how.”