We all froze. “Did he just—” Brooke began just as Henry said, “Da-da, da-da.”
“Oh shit,” Quinn muttered with a panicked expression.
I held up my hand. “Babies often say da-da even to their mothers because it’s easier to say.”
“How would he even know to say it?” Brooke asked.
“Maybe he heard it at daycare or watching Baby Einstein?”
Quinn shook his head. “Don’t look at me. I sure as hell wasn’t saying it to him.”
“Maybe he’s just confused.” Brooke glanced between us. “Henry, who am I?” she questioned.
Henry eyed her before blowing a spit bubble. Brooke persisted by patting herself and saying, “Da-da.”
His little brows furrowed. He peered into Quinn’s horrified face and said, “Da-da.”
At that moment, I couldn’t help the laugh that burst from my lips. “Isla, this isn’t funny,” Quinn argued.
“If you could see your face, you would think so.”
Brooke rolled her eyes. “Would you get a grip? My kid is calling your husband daddy.”
“Da-da!” Henry exclaimed again, which caused me to laugh harder. At my laughter, Henry began giggling.
“Isla, do something,” Quinn muttered.
“We can correct him when he gets older. What’s the harm in letting him say it right now?”
“Oh, sure, it’s fine now. Just wait until he goes to preschool and says his uncle is his daddy,” Brooke protested.
And once again, I dissolved into giggles. Quinn and Brooke shared an exasperated look at me. At that moment, Caterina and Callum came into the living room. Caterina’s bump was much more pronounced now that she was almost six months along.
“What’s so funny?” she asked.
“Henry just called Quinn da-da.”
Both Callum and Caterina’s eyes bulged comically wide causing Quinn to say, “See, I told you it was bad.”
Caterina shook her head. “I didn’t think that. I was just surprised.”
“I tried to tell them he’s too young to understand, and when he’s old enough, we can explain that Quinn is a father figure, but not his father,” I replied.
“Exactly,” Caterina replied.
With a little pout, Callum said, “I thought I was going to be the first Kavanaugh to be called da-da.”
Quinn snorted. “Way to make this about you.”
Callum elbowed him. “We came in to tell you guys that Lorna is making a special wedding feast. Dare and Kellan will be here soon, so we can all celebrate.”
Before I could say anything, Quinn cleared his throat. “While that is lovely, Isla and I will be having a stateside wedding that includes a big poofy dress, an antique tiara, live doves, and a live band.”
I laughed at him remembering my must-haves. “We just have to get it planned.”
Clapping Quinn on the back, Callum asked, “It would be my honor to be your best man.”
Quinn smiled at him. “As much as I would love that, I don’t want to choose between any of my brothers. You’re all my best men.”