Page 34 of Warrior Witch

I huffed a laugh, then sucked in a deep breath, waiting for the moment it was safe to let go. After a few breaths, I released the energy and felt it buzz through both men, causing Kylen’s blue eyes to glow neon for a moment before the air around us grew still.

“There you go. A little less orgasmic, but satisfying, nonetheless.”

I elbowed Ranto, who had yet to release his grip on me.

“You horndog.”

He chuckled, and a look passed briefly between him and Kylen before they both stepped back.

“Are you okay?” Kylen asked, his eyes running over me as though checking for damage.

“I’m good. Just got a little…carried away.”

They both nodded as the awkwardness of the situation settled over me.

“I’m gonna go…” I trailed off, pointing toward the cliffs as both men hurried to agree and wave me off.

Whatever was happening between us was something I’d have to deal with soon, but for right now, I would do what any self-preserving woman would: escape real life by sticking my nose in a book.

April 25th, 1660

Every day, it becomes clearer to me that I could never have done any of this alone.

It wasn’t intentional, of course, a lover from each of the nine leading families in Spells Hollow. The elders were most affronted. Verity insisted on being present for my last four announcements to our council, and, oh, how she laughed at them more each time.

What would Mother say about all this? I’ve asked myself that a thousand times, but I believe she would be happy for me, despite my unconventional methods. She saw how Royce and I fell for each other before she died. It made her so happy to know I wouldn’t be alone when she was gone. If she only knew how the Nightshade family has grown.

No one could deny how drastically my power grew with each lover I connected to. And from that, the power of the coven continues to grow. My grandmother used to tell me stories of her original coven in France. She had been so worried she and my mother would lose all their magic by leaving. Coming here was a tremendous risk.

I see now that this is the most powerful the Nightshade coven has been since the founding fifty years ago. And still, somehow, our strength grows each day. It makes the sun shine brighter above us and the grass grow greener beneath us. The magic surrounding our coven and our town is charged and sustained with the love I have for my men, and they for me. I feel complete with my nine. They each push me to be more than I dreamed I could be, and the coven continues to prosper.

Not to mention, at long last, I’m with child. After years of tears, worries, potions, and rituals, I will have an heir to the coven. We’re unsure which of my lovers has fathered the babe, but this is the furthest along we’ve made it. Everyone is joyful at the announcement and eager to welcome the newest member of our coven. Especially Elias and Niall. They have such wonderful hearts. I can see them as such doting fathers. Donahue is more excited for when the child will be older and wants to play.

Even the town’s human residents have offered their heartfelt congratulations.

Although, one resident hasn’t been pleased. Ever since Morfran arrived in Spells Hollow two months ago, his attention has unnerved me.

He’s a powerful witch, calls himself a sorcerer, and he’s charming, too. Possibly the most charming man I’ve known. He infuriates Donahue whenever he carries my herb baskets for me. But as delightful as he seems, I have no intention of taking another lover. There’s no connection with him, the way there was with my men. In fact, I sense something strange in him. A darkness. It unbalances the magic in town, around the coven I would give my life to protect.

Of course, in due time, I’ll have someone else to protect.

I can’t wait to start thinking of names. Adair and Peregrin say that we should wait, that we will know our child’s name once they are born. However, I refuse to postpone my joy, and Verity agrees. My child will lead the coven someday, and they deserve a name that conveys the growing strength of our people. The perfect name may indeed come when I lay eyes on the babe, held fast in my arms, but I so enjoy this time of preparation.

My mother would be so proud of how far we’ve come. Spells Hollow is a town for all, regardless of their magical heritage. Witches and humans thrive here together in a way that could never have been possible in my grandmother’s time. I owe so much to the support of my lovers and cannot wait to introduce them to their child.

The future of the Nightshade coven.


Nine lovers.

Perhaps I didn’t feel quite so bad about my current predicament.

Once again seated on the cliff side, I lay back in the grass and closed my eyes against the sun’s warmth. I never spent much time outside the city as a kid, and there was a part of me that wondered what it would have been like to grow up in a coven like this. Melisande had problems here, sure, but her community was there for her. She had so much love and support from the people around her… Was that something I could have?

My head spun, the same troubles circling my mind like they were working shifts tormenting me: the quest, my family’s apparent curse, Ranto and the mate bond, Kylen…

A shadow passed across my sunlight, stealing the warmth from my face before Melisande’s diary was tugged from my hand.