Page 48 of Warrior Witch

Ranto, who had been watching people walk past outside, had volunteered to help.

Bruin continued to be a pain in my ass at every opportunity, but where before I took his death threats seriously, the last few days, he’d made it seem more like foreplay.

I never claimed we weren’t fucked up. Sue me.

Despite the happy news that Hendrix had found Ranto’s bag in the woods, he continued to wear Lindsay’s gaudy clothing. I smiled at the bright yellow sleeveless hoodie he’d picked out for the day. His shoulders bulged in a way that made me shift in my seat every time I saw him move. It would have been impossible to resist him if it weren’t for the Pikachu ears sticking up from the top of the hood. His beautiful white hair was neatly tucked away, and I wondered if he’d agree to take it off while we trained.

“Are you listening?” Kylen asked, drawing my attention to where he crouched in the grass beside the gallows. Bruin and Hendrix had taken a seat on the wooden monstrosity to watch.


“You’re staring at his arms.” He waved a hand at the arms I had very much been watching closely.

“Do you blame me?”

“No. But you can play later. Now it’s time to work.”

I sighed and closed my eyes, focusing on the power inside me.

“Now, let it out. Just a little.”

“That’s what she said.”

I opened my eyes to glare at Bruin. Unconvinced by the innocent look he sent me.

“Ignore him. Feel it build deep in your core until you’re overflowing with it.”

A loud snort behind me broke my concentration again. Hendrix pointed at Bruin.

“Oh, come on. That was you!”

“Can you both shut it, please?” Kylen snapped, scowling at them until they held their hands up in surrender.

“Okay. Let it build until you’re ready to explode, and then—”

“Come your brains out?” Hendrix asked.

I flinched at the sharp crack of the two idiots behind me high fiving. Ladies and gentlemen, the men I’d decided to sleep with.

Kylen huffed, glancing over his shoulder. His posture screamed his desire to disappear into the woods with his plants. I cupped his elbow, keeping him in place while hoping he could read how much I appreciated him.

“Oh, come on. You’re making it too easy,” Bruin whined.

“One more word out of either of you, and I’ll use you for target practice,” I growled, shooting Kylen a small smile. He nodded, and we repositioned ourselves to try again.

Okay. I could do this. Deep breath in, long breath out. Focus the energy in my center…

A loud cough pulled my attention away just as I let go of the energy, and a bolt of lightning streaked toward the gallows. Hendrix and Bruin dove toward the ground just as the wooden structure caught the energy and absorbed it.


No wonder the thing had stood for hundreds of years.

Hendrix pushed to his feet, throwing me an apologetic look while Bruin took his time getting off the ground.

“You did that on purpose.”

“Nope, but I can if you want me to.” I smirked.