Page 4 of Sinful Professor

From there, it’s simple instructions. Unbuttoning her jacket and blouse. Sliding off her pants and letting me enjoy the view. Then after tasting her sweet skin, I strip her bare and claim her.

“Fuck,” I hiss.

My right hand leaves the keyboard as I grip my hardened cock to calm myself. Jesus, this is insane. Five minutes with a stranger and I’m ready to come in my pants with need. Of course, she seems to have unlocked the writer’s block that’s claimed me since Bianca left. And for that, I most certainly want to thank her. In any way she’ll let me.

And as the night progresses, I imagine a variety of ways to do just that. I’m so on edge by the time I settle in for the night, I’m reduced to jerking off into a condom so I can actually sleep. Something that presents a new problem in the morning when I wake up with another hard-on thanks to my erotic dreams about my sweet Sadie.

“Jesus,” I breathe. “This is insane.”

I’ve not even had a chance to start things between us and I’m already calling her mine, growling her name as I jerk off in the shower like a pre-pubescent teenager. Thankfully, it’s a Friday. Which means my day is finished at noon. Depending on what her schedule is, I’d like to invite her to my office so I can play what I wrote last night. And maybe get a better taste of her.

I’m smiling as I walk into my office. And still yet when I walk in for my eight o’clock Theory I class. As I dismiss them, I get called out.

“Do you have a hot date this weekend, Dr. Rush?”

“I’m sorry, what?” I laugh.

“Yeah,” another chimes in. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile so much.”

“Oh,” I chuckle. “Okay. I’m not sure what to say about that.”

“Is there a reason you’re so happy?” Miss Tull asks.

“Maybe,” I tell her. “It’s too soon to call it just yet.”

This gets a big laugh from all of them. Then they clear out and I have ten minutes before my Theory II class at nine. I manage to temper my smile this time, though. I don’t want too many eyes on me this early in our relationship. I scoff at that thought but know it’s the truth. But as much as I think she was interested in me; I have a feeling I’m going to have a lot of fun pulling her out of her shell to get us where I’d like to be.

After the classroom is cleared out, I drop my things off in my office and head toward the front of the building. I have no idea where Sadie’s office is, but I’m determined to find out. When I step into the office area, an elderly lady greets me with a bright smile.

“Can I help you?”

“I’m looking for Sadie Smith,” I tell her.

“Of course,” she nods. “Let me see if she’s available.”

She picks up a phone and presses a button. Then she speaks.

“Hey, Sadie, are you free…yes, someone’s here to see you…okay,” she smiles as she presses the phone to her shoulder. “What’s your name?”

“Brock Rush,” I smile.

“Brock Rush,” she tells her. “Okay, I’ll send him back.”

She hangs up with a smile and points behind her.

“She’s the third office on the right, dear.”

“Thank you,” I tell her with a nod.

Then I make my way to the woman who has haunted my existence ever since she left my office yesterday afternoon. Hoping against hope I can find a way to see her more often. And ultimately claim her as mine.


I look at my calendar and frown. I don’t have any appointments today.

“Who is it?” I ask.

I wait while she speaks with the person. Then she comes back to me with a name that makes my body warm all over.