“Well?” I ask. “Would you like that, Sadie? If I needed to see you?”
“Yes,” she breathes. “I think I would.”
The urge to drag her toward me for a kiss is damn near impossible to resist. However, I don’t want to scare her off. Besides, I don’t mind working for something. And I think personal knowledge of Sadie Smith would be worth any and all effort on my part.
“Good,” I smile. “I’ll see what comes to me tonight.”
“Okay,” she nods excitedly. “I can’t wait.”
“Can’t wait for what?” I chuckle. “To hear what I come up with, or to see me again?”
I can’t help but to press her because her eyes are so expressive. Every slight reaction she has to me is there, calling out to me like a siren’s song. A song that I’m ready to respond to.
“Um…I think both,” she whispers.
“Even better,” I tell her in a low voice.
She lets out a shaky exhale before she steps back. I loosen my hold on her hand and smile wider when she seems reluctant to break contact. When she does, she bites her lip. And I find myself wanting to do the same.
“I’ll…ah…leave you to your day,” she says. “Have a good night, Dr. Rush.”
“Oh, no,” I say quickly. “Please, call me Brock.”
“Okay,” she says with a small smile. “Good night, Brock”
“Good night, sweet Sadie.”
Her smile widens and she giggles. Then she covers her mouth with her hand and turns away. I stand in the doorway of my office and watch until she’s gone. When I shut myself in my office, I stare down at the now familiar flyer.
The contest has sparked the interest of many of my students, of course. Given that the four original members of Roll With It all walked these halls to earn their music degrees and are now known worldwide for their music, it stands to reason that others probably want to follow in their footsteps. Which is fine if that’s the kind of life you want to lead.
It’s also the kind of life Bianca wanted. The fame and the fortune and millions of fans singing her songs. Which were actually my songs. She wanted me with her. But my heart is here in these halls, not on a tour bus watching hordes of fans worship the woman I loved. So, she left. And she took everything I’d written for her, too.
I haven’t written anything new in six months. I can’t even bring myself to sing any of the songs I wrote for her completely through without feeling the pain of what she’s done.
But that all ends tonight.
Because of Sadie Smith.
The whole drive back home, I swear my hand is still tingling from the touch of his lips. Then I smile and giggle as I recall the feel of his cock against my face. Even though he wasn’t aroused, it was certainly quite…substantial. My body shudders at the memory of that and the few times his eyes darkened as he looked at me. Jesus, I felt like I was naked in front of him. Like he could see straight to my soul, even. Not to mention the fact that the press of his lips to my skin made me feel things I haven’t in too many months to count.
I’m still smiling as I let myself into my apartment. And all throughout dinner and as I daydream through my favorite Thursday night shows. When I finally settle into bed, I know what I have to do. I grab my favorite toy and get comfortable. Then I settle in for a slightly more realistic fantasy about Dr. Brock Rush. And about how many ways I could offer myself to him. Maybe the baby grand in his office a la Pretty Woman. I could straddle his lap until he lifts me onto the keys to have his way with me.
God, what would his mouth feel like on the rest of my body? My neck and my breasts and, heaven help me, my pussy. A bolt of pleasure slices through me at the thought. And then his dark blue eyes float before me as his voice echoes in my mind.
“Good night, sweet Sadie.”
That’s all it takes for me to come. A pained moan ripping from my throat as my release claims me. It’s so powerful, I barely manage to turn off my toy and toss it aside. Then I close my eyes and hope for more erotic dreams about Brock.
I swear I’m still smiling as I fall asleep.
As soon as I get inside my apartment, I head straight for my piano. Visions of my sweet Sadie fill my memory as my fingers flow over the keys. At first, it’s just different sequences of chord progressions. But when I settle on something I like, I let the melody breathe life into my mind. I’m not surprised that the words reflect my desire for her.
“Bear yourself to me, let me make you mine.”