Once again, my face flushes with heat before I out myself.
“I know who you are.”
My words are barely a whisper. Then his next question sends me spiraling back to my dark fantasies.
“Of course,” he nods. “So, Sadie Smith, what can I do for you?”
When I ask the question, her face blushes again. But this time, her eyes darken. And for the second time in as many minutes, my cock starts to thicken. This sweet little thing all wrapped up in a pants suit is looking at me like I’m her next meal. Whether she realizes it remains to be seen. Although if she wanted a taste of me, I’d damn sure let her have it.
Then, as if I wasn’t turned on enough, a slow, sexy smile unfurls across her soft, pink lips. And my heart trips in my chest as I watch her transform from shy to stunning in a matter of seconds. Her tongue darts out over her bottom lip and I once again watch the action. My smile widens and I ask my question again.
“Sadie? What can I do for you?”
Her eyes widen and she shakes her head. Then she steps back, and I reluctantly release her shoulders. She stutters a bit as she straightens out the paper that has been clenched in her hand. While biting her bottom lip, she offers it to me. I take it from her, purposely brushing my fingers over hers. Her small gasp is music to my ears. And then I get her shy smile again.
“I thought you might be interested in that,” she says as she points to the paper.
I hold her eyes for a moment before looking at what she handed me. When I see what it is, my heart clenches once again, but for nothing as delightful as before. My entire body tenses and I take a step back. But before I can thank her and send her on her way, I have to know one thing.
“Because I think your music is amazing.”
Her words are so soft and earnest. But I still don’t understand.
“What do you mean by ‘my music?’”
“Oh, well…when I leave on Thursdays…I can hear you,” she says. “And you’re never singing anything I’ve heard before, so I just assumed it was something that you wrote.”
Oh, how right she is. But I can’t tell her that the songs she’s been hearing will soon be on the radio. Performed by the woman whom I thought I loved until she stole my work from me. The thought of her betrayal is enough to strengthen my resolve and send this delightful stranger on her way. I don’t want to, but there’s a good reason I can’t enter that songwriting contest.
I wonder, as I take Sadie in again, if there’s a good reason I should.
“Well, thank you for your kind words,” I tell her. “And I promise I’ll think about it.”
“You will?” she squeaks.
“Yes,” I say slowly. “I will. And I promise I’ll be in touch if I need any help.”
“What?” she frowns. “I don’t see how I could help.”
“Every artist needs a muse, Sadie.”
As I speak those words, I step toward her again. I delight in the widening of her light hazel eyes. And I wonder how much of her body bears the same smattering of light freckles that run over her nose and across her cheekbones. When her lips part on a gasp as she no doubt understands my statement, I know that I’m going to start writing something new again.
For Sadie.
And maybe it will help me uncover what’s underneath all that prim and proper. Something sexy and sinful, I’m sure. Or if not, maybe I can introduce her to just that.
“Oh,” she breathes. “Well, that might be nice.”
“I’d make sure it was,” I smile.
And there it is. That darkened look in her eyes that makes my cock twitch. Before she can turn away, I take her hand and pull it to my mouth for a kiss. Her skin is soft and smells of lavender. A scent that I’ve never paid attention to before but will now. When I lift my mouth from her hand, I gently brush my thumb across her fingers.