Page 46 of Back the Blue

As I place my red dot in the center of his chest and slide my finger over the trigger, a third shot rings out. It drops Diamond. And it wasn’t from me. Suddenly, my fellow agents swarm the area and I slowly lower my weapon, turning my attention back to Lorna.

With a grunt of pain, I lift myself up to take her in. Her eyes are locked on me and there is a small smile on her face. But something isn’t right. I start at her head and run my hands over her to check for injuries. When I reach her right side, I feel wetness. Looking down, I almost pass out at the sight of blood blooming out on her uniform shirt from a bullet wound in her side.

“Lorna’s hit!” I scream to no one as I look at her. “She’s priority one! NOW!”

I hear someone call an all-clear and in seconds, Lorna’s co-workers converge on us. I move to the other side of her to let them work, but I have to turn her head to keep her looking at me.

“Stay with me, sweetheart,” I tell her. “We’re so close to the other side. Do not give up on me, Lorna. Keep your eyes on me and stay with me. I love you, sweetheart. And I need my forever with you.”

“Agent, you’ve been hit, too.”

“I don’t care,” I say without looking at that voice. “I’m staying with Lorna until she’s stable.”

Her smile brightens a little at this. Then she manages to reach up and brush her hand over my cheek. I place my hand over hers and hold it there.


She groans in pain, and I gently squeeze her hand.

“Shh, don’t try and talk, sweetheart,” I tell her. “Save your energy to fight this, okay? I’ll be right here.”

She shakes her head and I feel her hand slacken under mine.

“Ashley,” she whispers.

“I’m here,” I tell her as her beautiful face blurs through my tears. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine but stop talking and concentrate on staying with me, okay, sweetheart?”

She exhales a shaky breath.


In that moment, her eyes go blank. The other medics start shouting out orders. But I only scream her name just before my entire world goes black.


When my mind awakens, I immediately realize that I’m not anywhere familiar. Yet it feels that way. At least the sounds of my environment are familiar. After a few deep breaths, I slowly open my eyes.

And I gasp.

I’m in the hospital.

In the next second, a barrage of memories overwhelms me. And all I can do is call out the name of the one person I need to see.


No sooner does a pained sob leave me, a chair scrapes the floor nearby. Then he’s here. His handsome face looking down on mine as he brushes a shaking hand over my cheek.

“Lorna,” he chokes. “God dammit, I’m going punish that sweet ass of yours once you’re back to normal. What the fuck were you thinking?”

“I heard a gun shot and knew you were outside, so I was thinking I wanted to save the man I love.”

In my weakened state, my words don’t have the effect that I want. Especially when a bolt of pain lances through my body from my right side, causing me to groan once again with pain.

“If you want to argue with me about it, you’re going to have to wait until you’re better,” he says firmly. “Right now, you need to rest. And heal.”