When he looks up, I can see the truth in his expression. But when he stands and cradles my face in his hands, my anger fades in an instant.
“Yes,” he says in a low voice. “I am. I just didn’t want you to feel like you had to do anything for me, that’s all.”
“Of course, I’d want to do something for you,” I almost shriek.
“But it’s not necessary,” he counters.
“Are you fucking kidding me, right now?”
“Lorna,” he sighs.
“Don’t,” I snap. “I know we’ve only known each other for a few days, but we’ve already established that what we’re feeling is real, dammit. You’ve already hypothetically given me your name and gotten me pregnant, for Christ’s sake. So, you better believe that I’m going to do something for you for your birthday.”
A smile tickles at the corners of his mouth as I speak. But I don’t stop glaring at him.
“You’re amazing, Lorna,” he breathes.
“Yeah, well,” I smirk. “Just wait until I do something for your birthday that requires us to be alone. You better come up with some better adjectives.”
And just like that, I find myself in my new favorite place; naked and underneath one Ashley Allan Hughes.
After another amazing night making love to Lorna, I hold her close and listen for her breathing to slow and steady until I know she’s asleep. Then, finally, I let myself relax and slip off with her. Unfortunately, it doesn’t last long.
As soon as my phone rings, I do what I can to peacefully disengage by body from hers so I can answer.
“Hughes,” I growl.
Lorna rolls away from me with a small sigh. And I hate it.
“Diamond is on the move.”
“Where to?” I ask.
“Further west.”
“What? Do you know why?”
For the next five minutes, one of my team tells me about Diamond’s relations in California. And while I’m grateful that he’s further away, I’m very disturbed about the people he knows. Not to mention the fact that he may come back to Cleveland with a new and improved crew. When I sign off, I set my phone back on my nightstand and sigh heavily. Then I hear Lorna’s sweet voice.
“What’s wrong?”
I shake my head and crawl back beside her, pulling her into my arms again as I kiss her head. Then I try to delay the inevitable.
“Just go back to sleep, sweetheart.”
“But you’re upset,” she says.
“I am,” I nod. “But there’s nothing to be done about it now, okay?”
She wants to argue with me, but she decides not to. I smile at my small victory and press a soft kiss to her lips before she gets comfortable again and closes her eyes. Within minutes, she’s sleeping as deeply as before. But me? I float in and out of consciousness as my mind spins with all the possible outcomes of Diamond’s trip to California and subsequent return to Cleveland.
My best guess is that he’s bringing back reinforcements to take back the territory he lost over the weekend. That should be his first priority. But if he’s still got a bug up his ass about Lorna saving his rival’s life, then tracking her down and killing her will be a close second. Especially if his rival manages to gain more ground in their turf war. He was released from the hospital earlier today. And he will no doubt take advantage of the absence of Diamond and his crew.
Somehow, my brain manages to shut down so I can get a few hours of decent sleep. And that’s only because I have Lorna in my arms. When I’m fully awake again and get too restless, I slowly climb out of bed, so I don’t disturb her. Then, I just sit and stare at her and hope that I can find a way to keep her safe while also taking out Diamond.