Page 30 of Back the Blue

What he’s not saying could be the only way to save Lorna. But I say what’s necessary to keep the ball in my court.

“I’ll be in touch.”

Then I end the call. But when I turn around, Lorna is awake. Sitting up in the bed as she clutches the sheets to her chest.

“Who was that?”

I grimace at her question. But I give her the answer she already knows.

“You know who it was,” I say. “And that means we’re going to headquarters. Now.”


In a blur of motion, Ashley and I get dressed without a word to one another. It’s just past three on Monday morning, and if I’m being honest, I haven’t recovered from yesterday yet. Only when I go to pack a bag does he finally speak again.

“Don’t bother,” he grits out.


“Not now, Lorna.”

His tone is far from harsh. As a matter of fact, it’s almost…pained. So, I shut my mouth and wait for him to take my hand and lead us out to the waiting SUV. After he opens the door for me to sit in the back, he takes shotgun. And no sooner is he buckled in, he’s on his phone again. Not wanting to overreact, I simply let my head rest on the seat and close my eyes. I hear his side of the conversation, but it’s very sparse. Not that I thought I could glean much from it, but still.

Some time later, we pull into a gated lot behind the Cleveland FBI building. Once we’re parked, Ashley climbs out and opens my door. I take his offered hand and allow him to help me out. Since we’re at his job, and I’m technically in protective custody, I’m surprised that he doesn’t release me as we make our way inside. Considering how early in the morning it is, there are still about a dozen people milling about. As he leads me along, it’s hard to ignore the looks. And some smiles.

“Ash…” I start. “Pitbull?”


“Why is everyone staring at us?”

He stops immediately and I stumble against him. Everything seems to go quiet as he looks around. When he does, more smiles appear on more faces. I look up at him and watch as his scowl finally softens. Then he shocks the shit out of me when he turns and locks his free hand behind my neck and crushes his lips against mine. The moan that leaves me is answered by a smattering of laughter.

Ashley pulls back quick enough for me to gasp. But the smile on his face tells me all I need to know. I smile back just before he turns his attention back to the room.

“Fuck all of you,” he grins. “She’s mine and I’m going to make sure it stays that way.”

Applause greets his words. Ashley laughs and then continues to tug me along after him. I’m not sure I understand what just happened, but I’ll take it. Why? Because he just claimed me in front of all the people he works with. Not many men can do that.

But Ashley did.

For me.

Nothing more is said as he leads me to an elevator that takes us to the fifth floor. When we step out, there are three men in suits waiting for us. I grip Ashley’s hand hard enough to inflict pain. Or so I think because he never flinches. He greets someone with a nod and then I’m led into a nicely appointed office and settle on a couch next to him. When a grandfatherly man settles behind the desk in front of us, he smiles warmly at me.

“Hello, Miss Lewis,” he nods. “I’m Director James Jackson. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Likewise,” I nod back. “I’m just not sure I like why I’m here.”

“Neither do we,” he sighs. “But at least you’ve got one of the best we have to keep you safe until we can bring Diamond in.”

Ashley tenses beside me, and I know it’s because of what’s already happened to give away our location after the leak was discovered. The director must notice as well because he’s quick to turn his attention to him.

“Once we have Miss Lewis settled in a secure location, I want you to man the team that’s going after Diamond,” he says. “He probably thinks you’ll stay with her, and I want to keep him guessing so he’ll make a mistake.”

“Yes, sir,” Ashley nods. “Do we know his location?”

“Thanks to his phone call to you, yes,” he smiles.