A global conglomerate that Kade and the two men who were closer to him than blood brothers, Ledger Mayfield and Hayden Philips, grew from the ground up, making them the richest men on the planet.

From the first moment they had set their eyes on her, they wanted to have her between them, naked and wet, crying out their names as they pumped their thick cocks inside her, her beautiful mouth, her gorgeous ass, and her fucking sweet as sin pussy.

They hadn’t known she existed until the day their mentor recommended her since he was retiring, ten days ago. She had come into the office for an interview that had been nothing but a formality and turned their world upside down.

They wanted her. Fuck, they didn’t get to where they were without being who they were. They would have taken her right there on their boardroom table. They’d have removed her long black skirt that flared to her ankles, spotted with white dots, then her orange blouse with its puffy sleeves; her bra would have gone too, then her panties which they would have taken turns to touch and smell.

They would have left her shoes on because, fucking hell, she had taken a pair of stilettos and adorned them with tiny shells and beads that glittered and just made her dainty ankles look even sexier.

Her interview had lasted all of three minutes before they ended it, and in that time, they had fucked her six different ways.

Since then, she had no idea the effect she had on them. How crazy she drove them, just by breathing. But they kept their hands off her, out of respect for their mentor.

They’d never simultaneously and instantly wanted the same woman at the same time, ever. Except her.

How long they planned to respect their mentor’s wishes of not taking her, fucking her, and making her theirs, they didn’t know, but there was an expiration date there.

At the end, they were just torturing themselves by having her around, getting shit done in her own unique way with her thick old-fashioned ring binder and planner that she color-coded and hand-wrote things in, and her flask of coffee wherever she went.

She amused them, made them chuckle, and at the same time they wanted to fuck her harder and make her come so many times until she couldn’t stand on her own for a week.

“I’m sorry I’m late… snickerdoodle,” she said, sliding her body up to him, her scent, vanilla, and lavender, assailing him at once, her warmth sending off rockets in his blood.


What the fuck?

She reached up to him and whispered in his ear with that sultry voice of hers that she didn’t even know she had.

“I can explain.”

The fuck she will.

Because this changed everything for all three of them—him, Ledger, and Hayden. She stepped into their lair, and there was no going back from here for her.

“Explain,” he instructed, her perfume playing havoc with his control.

“All three of the ladies I hired got food poisoning. It was too short notice, and now I’m filling in for all three. Don’t worry. I got this,” she said softly.

This girl.

Kade wondered what she had planned for his lifelong friends, his brothers, Ledger and Hayden. He supposed he should warn them, but fuck they deserved to be sucker punched the same way he’d been when she walked into the gallery, straight for him, his cock thickening with each sashay of her hips.

She was theirs now.

Chapter Six

So far, so good. Everything was going to be okay, McKenna thought. She had walked from her car to the gallery, without any event, then up to Kade Howard’s well over six-foot-three frame and slipped in beside him so close, she could smell his cologne, drink his presence, and burn up under his touch.

She had no idea where all that came from, so she shoved it back into the ‘Do not entertain box’ where she kept everything else to do with all three of her bosses from day one.

“All three of the ladies I hired got food poisoning. It was too short notice, and now I’m filling in for all three. Don’t worry. I got this,” she said, whispering the words into his ear in case someone was watching them, although the gallery looked empty save for the two of them.

Whatever she wanted to say next dissolved into mush when Kade Howard, her boss, one-third of the hottest men alive, for goodness’ sake, wrapped his arm around her waist and maneuvered her backward until her back hit a wall. His breath, minty and alluring, brushed over her lips.

“What are you doing?” she cried.

“Kissing you, my little snuggle-muffin. How else am I supposed to make them believe you’re my bride-to-be?”