But nothing came. No euphoria, no giddy delight. Nothing. Something was wrong with her, and she didn’t like it.

Fine. Maybe she needed mental regrouping. They touched her because they had to make it look as convincing as possible that she was in fact their real fiancée, not their PA pretending to be one. She relocked away her responses to their touch once again. It should be mission accomplished and business as usual. But it wasn’t. She felt sad.


Maybe she needed a long, hot shower. While there, she washed her hair yet again and was happy to see her tresses returning to their normal state. A simple yay for her was all she could manage.

Sleep. She would be fine after a few hours of sleep. She didn’t know if she dozed off or not, but something wasn’t right. She couldn’t understand the distinctive change in her dreams. Yes, her body hadn’t stopped imploding every time vivid images of them touching her slipped into her slumberous state.

And yes, she couldn’t help her hair making an appearance too, as its own character, her hairstyles becoming weirder the more they touched her.

She was such a freak show, even in her dreams.

But something shifted. The heat felt too real. As if they were there in person with her, tugging at the tresses of her hair. Which was impossible. She was home, her apartment was locked, and she was in bed. Alone.

Her eyes opened slowly. There were shadows in her room, unfamiliar ones, yet at the same time, they felt unbelievably familiar.

Three sets of scents surrounded her, consuming her, making her body remember what it felt like to drown so blissfully in them.

It couldn’t be…

But how else could she explain the all-encompassing aura around her, the same one she experienced daily at the office when they stood together like three kings and looked at her?

It can’t be…

She sprang up into a sitting position on the bed. The covers fell off her to reveal her breasts barely supported or concealed in the lace cups of her babydoll nightie.

Now in the dimness in her bedroom, there they were.

Ledger. Dominant.

Hayden. Charming.

Kade. Playful.

Shock had her scrambling out of her bed, and of course, she tripped over the covers, but before her face could make out with the floor, she was lifted upright by Hayden and set on her feet again.

“Did something happen?” She asked frantically, flicking on the main light, still wondering if she was dreaming or just imagining everything.

“Hello, fiancée,” Kayden said, clearly enjoying the perplexed look on her face, which quickly turned to apprehension as the three of them started to come toward her. She backed away. Her body wouldn’t be able to handle them touching her again; she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from begging them never to stop. They were her bosses. She needed this job.

“Firstly, it’s pretend fiancée, and secondly, how did you get into my apartment?

“You lost the pretend part when you decided to show up as our fiancée,” Ledger said, his voice deep and rough. She wished she wore panties to bed so they would have absorbed the wetness bound to streak her inner thighs now. Also, what was wrong with her? Was she broken or something now?

“And I picked your lock,” Kade said. “But it could have just as easily been Ledger or Hayden.”

“We’re skilled that way,” Hayden added.

They broke into her house. Was this in the PA handbook? Maybe it was. Being 100% accessible surely meant they could break into her home whenever they needed her.

“What do you want from me?” she squeaked. Her body vibrated with a force so strong she felt dizzy.

“Everything, our little bride-to-be,” Hayden said.

“What?” Her voice died in her throat; her entire being collapsed on itself, reducing her to a puddle at their feet.

Why were they doing this to her?